Is there anything to buy with these once you have all the xmog, mounts, and pets? I’m sitting on a ton of them with all the stuff I know about bought already, so wanted to get them spent before the event disappears if there’s anything left to spend them on.
you can convert them to timewarp badges
25 coins for 500 tw badges, better turn them in now and fast before time reset and maintenance.
Glad I asked, I had no idea it ended today. I had a few more pieces I could buy and got some badges. Thanks guys/gals! <3
Buy extra pets for future gold. I spent my last 10 on an extra lil nefarian
Every time I put a pet on sale and price it below another player the whole thing changes minutes later where they are cheaper then me. I don’t even bother with auction house anymore.
They need to break the cancel scan addons. I am not holding my breath though, they should have been broken many expansions ago.
This, the timerunning event up next is going to have a bunch of new mounts from the vendors.
I sit on things for a long time. I have a bunch of pets you can’t get anymore and they’re just wasting away in an alts bank. I should probably sell a couple, I’ve been holding onto them for like 12 years lmaooo
i didn’t know you could auction the anniversary pets that’s neat
oh well
I know you can the Hatespark the Tiny pet cause it was originally a drop from the 10th anniversary in Molten Core. The Lil Kaz’s Hilt pet can be caged and sold as well since it’s also a drop. The ones that were direct mailed/unique though can’t be sold.
Those Hatespark pets were around a million gold each every time I checked over the years as I was not lucky enough to get one during the event 10 years ago. I don’t know they’ll hit that price again since the market can be flooded now with everyone buying up multiples.
I’ve mainly been converting to time warped to get old rep. I didn’t even bother with most of the mogs, since i only liked 4 of them.
I’m definitely going to be in on it, the mount from last year wasn’t motivating enough for me.
I am sitting on 10 of those I got as drops…already learned one and also gave one to a guild mate…so I’ve got 10 ready to sell later this year…
cant sell lil nef, unfortunately. Hatespark was the only one from the vendor that could be caged and sold.
Oh lame, I bought the hatespark ones. Can you at least trade lil nef as a gift?
Its soulbound and cant be caged, so I dont believe so, unless there is some “gift” feature i am unaware of, which is entirely possible
Luckily it was just my last 10 coins then lol or I wudve been gutted as.