Guys do we have a answer on how many of these we can earn this week. I’m at 43 now, and I think the only thing i can do is LFR queen Ansurek.
i think i saw someone say 49 in a diff thread
I read somewhere that you can get upwards of 50? But I could be very wrong. Pretty sure I saw it somewhere tho.
I just read that thread haha.
It was 49, but I was confirmed today that you can get to 51 if you are able to complete the Disk Fragments Quest. It gives an additional 2 tokens.
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i am at 40 but 49 seems like the max
I counted 48 if you do everything this week. 4 come from PvP quests, so I capped at 44.
the one for 500 honor in AV is super easy I’d do it.
and you do not need to finish the bg is a bonus also
The WoWhead article is the source of the number being 49, but that article is out of date and some things don’t add up. It also claims every faction weekly should give one, but there’s been a massive amount of people reporting they didn’t get one from the theater. It also says the pvp weeklies should all give one, but when you look at the quest dialogue it doesn’t list one as a reward. After accepting the quest, it lists one as a reward in your log. After doing one and turning it in, I didn’t get one, so I’ve held off on the other two. The youtuber SignsofKelani uploaded a video showing himself picking up the worldsoul weekly and mentioning the titan fragment weekly, despite them supposedly not actually being active this week, and when I asked about it on the forums, I got a long convoluted answer about those weeklies being on a rotation but on some characters if you haven’t done them for a while they’re all active at once or something. This would mean some people have access to more bronze than others the first week, which can’t possibly be intended, so something isn’t right.
My verdict is no one but Blizzard actually knows what the intended weekly amount is because the patch is falling apart at the seams and half of it barely works at all. I just hope they retroactively give out bronze for things that were supposed to when they finally, if ever, fix things.
Im at 43 and have done everything but the 4 pvp quests., have no idea where the other 2-4 come from. Unless you carry over from last week.
At 46 did all the things but the PvP ones and they only show 2 quests giving 1 token each, then my Delve quest did not give me the 2. Needles to say this is bugged.
I’m at 50 and I can’t figure what I am missing. My only guess is that the first special assignment didn’t give a bronze on Tuesday. I could have swore it did but maybe not.
I did everrything minus rated arenas and only have 37. Im thinking im not getting them from some activities
Somebody posted this somewhere, I forgot where, but its a good breakdown imo.
the problem with that it might been buged i went on my alt and see if the world soul had the tokens it did not
It doesn’t really matter. I think it will take everyone into the third week reset to finish hitting the 100 cap anyway. As long as you got 34+ you’ll unlock bronze the same week as everyone else (unless there’s some tricky way to get 49-50 next week).
I’m at 15! I don’t even see how to get more then like… 6 more with the two quests I’ll be attempting tomorrow