Broker Mount with AH NPC

so was thinking since brokers are a great deal on this expansion why not create a broker mount ,with AH NPC make it expensive i dunno 9 mill 8 mill but make it available.

a few ideas

  • a worm tied to a carriage like the ones in venthyr transportation and having the npcs in the back or the sides .

  • a big worm and 2 npcs sitting behind ya

any other ideas would be great

Nah, what they SHOULD do is put an auctioneer in expansion hubs instead of gouging the player base for time or tokens to get access to basic systems in the game.



I use the auctioneer in Oribos everyday.

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Yes, I would like to ride an actual broker please.

Why settle for one broker, I want 4 brokers carrying me on a throne while they also handle my mail and auctions.

Someone’s bitter they couldn’t get their worthless mount.

I doubt an AH mount will ever happen again. That was the reason they stopped the brutosaur. If they made another one, no matter how expensive, it’d also just be removed at the end of the expansion because it would cause the same issue they’re trying to avoid.

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Congratulations for being an engineer?

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You know what we need?

Pipboy :+1:

Auction House access anywhere

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what issue are we talking about ?

I need a bank mount, that’s the last step to never having to go anywhere.


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