Broken/Krokul, DHs & allied races

How are Krokuul a replacement for Ogres when they would clearly belong to the opposing faction ??

People have been begging for Broken for ages now. More than Tuskar

Bleh I hope they’re Alliance.

Most likely, yes :slight_smile:

Because we’re cross faction now. It doesn’t matter which side they’re on anymore.

Highly doubt it.

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  1. You seem angry
  2. Your character is a literal worgen
  3. Vulperans are awesome, regardless of whatever someone like yourself call 'em

Have a good day!
Oh and in terms of Krokul … they would be cool to have as a race, we have god forbid enough elves so we could start a collection of draenei next


Uh, no, races are still faction-locked except for Dracthyr and Pandaren. Ogres will never be an Alliance race.

Grats, you found a year-old thread with 52 likes. Massive outpouring for Broken there.

And the faction means next to nothing anymore. I would be able to roll an Ogre and join/raid/pvp/M+ with an all Alliance guild and players.

That is hilarious, thank you for pointing that out hahaha

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Would’ve made more sense to replace void elves, since the Krokul were the rep you had to grind to get those anyways. Though that would have gotten us two Draenei variants, so I guess I can understand why they didn’t go that way.

Not on Azeroth they don’t.

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I mean they sort of do

Just not the player worgen cuz they’re supposed to be ashamed of being worgen and instead embrace their british for some reason

Thats fine. You just came off as a curmudgeon

Man, the Worgen were such a huge let down. I was stoked when they were announced for Cataclysm and when they finally got put in… this is what we got?

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Every time I see a comment like this, I assume it’s out of self shame and internal loathing.

Just be free. No judges here.

Draenei pun! …this is a Draenei pun, right?

No. Im not kid-ding

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From a Worgen

It means that Broken won’t replace Ogres as a playable race. It’s okay to be wrong, you don’t need to be this obtuse.

I could continue posting hundreds of threads asking for Broken/Krokul. Not to mention the numerous videos posted on Youtube.

Tuskarr on the other hand has one thread. With 6 likes. The OP of which even admits there are no threads asking for Tuskarr.


People have been asking for Broken since BC was announced.

Absolutely have. The outrage when we got Draenei instead was prevalent. And they’ve been asked for over the years ever since.

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