Broken/Krokul, DHs & allied races

Hello, Blizz!!

After completing the Man’ari Draenei recruiting scenario, we’ve seen that:

Spoilersyou are hinting at Broken/Krokul as our next playable race.

Let me tell you that YES, we want playable Broken/Krokul. Please don’t make it just one or the other (Broken are generally blue, while Krokul feature more fel corruption). Ideally, this should be an already unlocked allied race with both Broken and Krokul customizations.

Although I also like the idea suggested in another thread, where allied races can simply be merged with their parent races (except Vulpera for obvious reasons) and these allied races would either work like the Worgen character creation screen, or you could create a Body Type 3 & 4 for each parent race, those body types being their corresponding allied races. We could also choose from among a pool of racial tags and abilities to further customize our character’s racial background. That would be AWESOME.

Since you are already unlocking all classes for all races except for demon hunters and evokers, I don’t have anything to say here, BUT I do want to say I would LOVE broken demon hunters. Illidan did recruit the Ashtongue tribe, there has to be at least one that was turned into a demon hunter. The possibility is there.

Please give them access to the Demon Hunter class. Make it happen.



I want to say that this would never happed because they’d be predictably, preposterously unpopular, but then



Did thousands of draenei fans spawn in over night lmfao they weren’t even the best race added in their own expansion. Let them fade into the background like the C class characters they are

they also added vermin vulpera which make 0 sense in lore same with night elf warlocks.

This is like the third time the Broken are being passed up at being playable.

Original TBC release, they were replaced with the draenei we enjoy today.

Argus they got a fresh new model, were placed on the draenei male rig (they were on tauren for their old model.) and they seemed poised to be an allied race. Too bad grinding out their rep awarded void elves.

Now this Man’ari eredar quest, which they’re deeply involved in, has a nod and a wink. Maybe, lads. Just maybe. Okay. Right.


Except that you could predict that both of those would be popular.


They’re hinted as our next (allied) race if you do the manari questline


only because night elves are floozies, and blizz caters to the anime/weeb/furry communities with stupid degenerate yiffing foxes.

At least the heritage armor rocks. :robot::+1:


This sounds cool. I wanna join.


… Hooboy. Should I tell 'em? I think someone should tell 'em.


Honestly, the best time to have made them playable would’ve been the AR for Legion/BFA instead of Lightforged Draenei.

What now, though, they’re going to make a lowly requested race as an xpac playable over something like Tuskarr, Ogre, etc. Um, no thanks.

Just make them a skin like the red panda/red draenei and call it a day.

there anything that doesn’t get your goat?

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This post was made by a player using a worgen character.

That said, please give me a Broken Draenei one day so i can live my broken shaman dream.


The cult of Thoth? Or the Elder Futhark? Persian Cuniform?

We know for sure it’s not the egyptians

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because savage werewolf doesnt exist.

Some of the hieroglyphs had direct alphabetical phonetics. The runes and cuneiform don’t look like conventional letters either. But the cult of Thoth was the Egyptian sect most focused on language and writing as part of their sacred magic.

yeah theres lots of things in wow i like. and alot i dont.

oh no someone has opinions that arent the normal narrative

How are Krokuul a replacement for Ogres when they would clearly belong to the opposing faction ??

People have been begging for Broken for ages now. More than Tuskar