We are currently recruiting raiders and casual members for our Raid Team 1 and Raid Team 2! We are a casual guild with progression-minded raiders looking forward to Ulduar Hard Modes and TOGC coming soon.
We believe firmly in real life comes first and playing this game comes second. We understand this is our escape and something we enjoy doing, with that being said; we also wish to be productive and efficient with our time spent. So during raid times, we’d like for us to be focused and participating accordingly, flasks, food, knowledge, etc…
We are currently 12/14 as a guild in both teams with experience in HM’s and 25 14/14. We are fairly new and beginning slowly as we find a solid core who are a good fit and great personality that mesh well as a team.
Our raid nights are (Team 1) Wed/Thurs 8pm-11pm EST :: (Team 2) Sun/Mon 8pm-11pm Est -Subject to Change-. We are currently only doing MS > OS, but we do have a +1, +2 if needed.
Our class/spec priorities are listed below, but we are always looking for players who want to be a part of our community and fill in on raids when needed!
Death Knight - Low
Druid - High (Boomkin)
Hunter - Medium
Mage - High (Arcane)
Paladin - High (Holy Pally, Potentially Prot Pally)
Priest - High (Disc/Shadow Priest)
Rogue - Low
Shaman - High (Enh Shaman)
Warlock - Medium
Warrior - Low
Please contact our GM or one of the Advisors listed below if you’re interested!
Discord/In-game contacts:
Kokytoz#4363 (Team 2 Advisor) = Kokytoz
Kermoond#9859 (GM) = Firebolts/Tinydeath