Broken Legion Invasion points preventing progression in "You are now prepared" achievement

For the past 2 days i have heavily researched and attempted to complete the quest “When they least expect it”. I have concluded legion invasion points as COMPLETELY busted.
-I have only ever seen an empty invasion point. I have tested WM on and off, no difference.
-I have not even been able to find a LFR for invasion points because this day and age everyone does points solo or other content.
-i have attempted turning off addons, restarting WoW, logging onto another account, restarting computer, and logging out in the invasion point and logging back in with no luck.
-when logging in and out inside the invasion point, i see all the enemies for about 2 seconds before they phase out WITH the exit portal. (perhaps a zoning issue?).
-i joined other random peoples parties and i pulled them into my broken instance where they became incapable of doing that specific invasion point until the refresh hit. (perhaps i am a walking bug with some problem i thought).
Side note: i have at this point entered into around 70 invasion points and have had NO luck gettint 1 working scenario.

PLEASE comment any suggestions or Fixes to this if possible, it would be very appreciated!


I have the EXACTLY same problem.

Did you noticed when you leave an broken Invasion Point, all your WQ and Emissary quests reset? Yeah that’s not cool, i’ve already reported the bug in-game and issued a ticket. They told me they’re trying to fix it so let’s just wait for a hotfix i guess =/


Yea i noticed that and i hope that bug is the reason for our problem with the quest. If they dont fix it within the next few days people will abuse it to get tons of rep.

Having the same issue.

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I reported this exact thing 2 days ago and still haven’t received word from Blizzard about it. At first I didn’t know that I had done the same world quests twice, then after the 3rd time I was like… something is wrong here.

Did a test again today and it still exists. This needs to be fixed ASAP, I am not going to sit here and manually write down what world quests I have completed to avoid “exploiting” an apparently known bug.

Would be great if a Blue responded here.


Same issue, Invasion Point Val and Invasion Point Cen’Gar completely empty, not starting up/restarting, or anything. Alexstrasza-US. Edit: woah, just saw what others remarked on, it’s messing up my world quest status too, seems to show that I have Army of the Light emmisary caches again! I doubt that’s real, probably just a temporary visual bug.

2nd Edit: this is not a temporary visual bug. It genuinely reset my emissary quests and I was able to complete and turnin for a second time the Army of the Light Emissary Quest, and receive a second “Gilded Trunk.” As this now seems to be clearly a way you could game the system I am not going to open the second gilded trunk in the event that Blizz decides this is a bad thing.

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that is most likely the smart thing to do (dont wanna get banned or something lol).

Edit: when it in reality is their fault for haulting our progress on questlines…

reading other threads I see it is happening to other people who aren’t going into Argus quests, in fact, some folks are saying they log out, log in later and their emissaries are reset automatically. This is VERY gameable for rep and even loot. They have to fix this pronto.

Haven’t yet had the resets happen but I agree that it’s a massive issue. If they don’t fix it soon they may have to do a rollback of literally everyone.

Blizzard just announced Scheduled Maintenance for WoW/Classic/Sc2 October 22, 2019 7:00am-8:00am (this tuesday) “All times are PDT”.

Sounds like routine weekly maintenance to me, but hopefully they’ll have a fix online after that.

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i hope this gets fixed

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I’m also having this issue after trying to no avail for 3 days. I’m not in war mode. Tried grouped and solo. Nothing spawns for me in any of them. I just want to get my “you are now prepared” achievement so I can unlock my void elf. :frowning:

I’m also having this issue on my DK. Been trying to complete the storyline but to no avail. The invasions just remain empty.

yup i just wanna unlock lightforged draeni, i even got exalted on army of light but im stuck on that achievement due to the invasions literally not functioning! ;w;

EDIT1: The bug for me has been fixed with the patch! should be working now WM an off!