Broken/Krokul Allied Race Discussion Thread

Whelp those druids have a Rok form. Id imagine if they can attune thenselves to wild gods of Argus in an effort to revive the planet some native wild gods can come back. Or get blessed by azerothian or draenor nature order beings.

Guessing that’s the owl bit that was in the comments on the link you’d sent.
Wasn’t sure what graphic was used.

Yeah, it all depends on how they’d wanna write it.
I wouldn’t have minded spending more time on Argus.
I wouldn’t even mind going back and finding the Void taking over and doing some new zones or something.

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Broken Druids are indeed interesting. I am also excited for Broken Rogues as while there’s no reason Draenei couldn’t have them, they’d be more in line with the Broken’s culture.

Oh cool, this is back. I just assumed the interest in it was nonexistent.

But yeah, a broken draenei would make the ideal shaman for me. Fingers crossed.

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How is this the first time I’m seeing this thread?

These should have been in at the end of Legion!

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Yeah this should’ve been the allied races instead of lightforged. It’s honestly pretty trash the way blizz did the krokul so dirty at the end of legion. They literally gave the krokul new pretty models, their own zone and questline, their own rep. And krokul have already been allied with the draenei in the exodar for years now after Nobundo rejoined them. Like… Krokul literally made perfect sense. Lightforged are just kind of a joke. Krokul have legitimate lore development and deserve it. Lightforged are just… offensive when you look at the krokul and their history.


Yup, I agree. I mean, I like the Lightforged Draenei about as much as you do (and I’m assuming you like them at least a bit, considering you’re posting as a level 120) but I’ve felt a personal attachment to the Broken since their introduction in BC. Hell, canonically these guys were the “draenei” that showed up in WC3, and I was a huge fan of that game, so technically I’ve been pining for them since the RTS era. They would make perfect shamans and rogues for the Alliance.

But I think we both know why Lightforged won out in the end. People tend to like “attractive” races, and I’ve long since accepted that a fanbase for the Broken would be a minority; even one smaller than gnomes (because gnomes are, indeed, cute). You can see how long this thread’s been dead before you revived it, and I should probably remove that discord link because that’s dead as hell too.

Lightforged were easy to implement, because they have, by far, the worst customization options out of all the allied races. But at least whatever work that did go into them wouldn’t have been for nothing, because anyone who finds draenei attractive would also find the lightforged attractive… even if you really can’t tell if a draenei paladin fighting a boss next to you is lightforged or not.

I like attractive, but I also like badass. And the Broken are definitely badass in my book. I’m hoping they make it in if there’s a second round of allied race initiates. The Alliance could use a bit of badass.

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Makes a lot of sense with what we’ve seen of the Krokul…plus I guess no hooves?
Yet there’s a Man’ari one in the bottom of Dalaran.
If magic can make you literally invisible, you’d think it could hide the sounds.

Instead of Void Elves would have made more sense.
Maybe actually set up the void elves more through the story later on.
Maybe they figured Lightforged and Krokul would have been too similar model-wise?

Void Elves have been popular, but more set up would have been nice.


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I’ve wanted to make a broken shaman sense the day I first saw Nobundo. :sob:

Krokul would be great. I’m surprised they havn’t even happened yet to be honest. They could serve as the darker version of Draenei that people want and have classes like rogue and warlock and such.

It wouldn’t take much to bring them into the fold either. Just have Velen suggest that the Alliance could really use some of the Krokul’s scouts and spies to help with the war effort. I’m sure that the Krokul aren’t fighting the Legion 24/7 anymore. And I’m sure some of them wouldn’t mind the chance to explore a new world.

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It’s too bad we left them on a hostile planet without asking if they wanted a lift to our place :no_mouth:

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That wasn’t really elaborated upon though so maybe that story is still open ended and free to be expanded? Never know!

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The real question is what faction would the Krokun join. They were kinda hostile to Velen and may still hold some resentment for being left to pick up the pieces of Argus while the other Draenei are on Azeroth. And the Krokun wouldn’t have the bad blood against the orcs that the Draenei would.

Even entertaining a Horde-aligned faction of Broken would probably open up a huge and unnecessary can of worms. The Broken are already represented in the Alliance by Farseer Nobundo and have been steadily making progress in re-unifying the draenei and broken peoples into one society since the days of BC. Granted, the Krokul are not part of this effort and may or may not have even heard of Nobundo, but it would effectively create another “high elf scenario” if a playable version of a character existed on one faction while lore representatives existed as NPCs on the other. For this to even be remotely palatable, all Broken NPCs would need to shift their allegiance to Horde as well, including the followers of Nobundo, and there’s absolutely no reason this would ever happen.

Nah the way the quest chains went we should have gotten them instead of Void Elves which feel forced.


literally this