Broken for neutral race please

It’s about time we have broken as a playable race, I would love so much to play as a broken shaman it’s all I’ve wanted since BC they are by far one of the coolest race. We should of definitely got them instead of our pumped up goats :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m saying neutral for no other reason then I love playing horde . I know it would never happen lore wise ,although saying that Nobundo is neutral in the shaman campaign and battled along side my Orc shammy

The broken/krokul in legion are just draenei with different faces/tails, so it wouldn’t be hard for blizz to just offer that as a customization option for regular draenei so we can finally have our broken/krokuls.

We already have two Draenei races. Lightforged should’ve been a customization option and the Krokul from legion should’ve been the allied race not void elves. But it’s too late now. So customization options seem the most feasible.

Just give me normal Draenei and/or LFD for Horde already. :frowning: