Bringing rogue tanking to retail?

So the rogue tank idea seems quite popular in season of discovery. Perhaps it can be brought to retail in some form? Maybe combat could return as a 4th spec? I’m not sure about hero specs work but this is a possibility as well if they decide to make a blade dancer hero spec.


Hero specs won’t make it hybrid specs or roles. You’d need a 4th spec to do this on retail. The way rogue currently works I don’t think it would be feasible. Not saying it won’t ever be a good idea as tanking on rogue is interesting and (outlaw) rogues are already relatively tanky, but idk if it would ever be worth investing time in.

No thanks. Keep that to classic.


I wouldn’t mind being less squishy.

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it probably will never come to retail.

Rogue tanks are also one of the weaker tanks on SoD because of the lack of aoe and you have to build cp initially at the start of every fight and new target for blade dance. Basically a st raid tank but bear does it much better. Could get better in subsequent seasons because it could hit dodge cap in theory with gear.

I never seen a single rogue tank on SoD so far, the rune is also locked behind provisions rep.

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rogue is by far one of the tankiest classes in the game with cheat death and all your defensives lmao

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I disagree.

I’d say feint is more tanky than cheat death, especially on outlaw. I have 40% DR minimum with feint up

I’m just laughing at the :clown_face:s that said, “NOPE NEVER GUNNA HAPPEN” “IT MAKES NO SENSE”. Classic or retail, it happened. Bet not a single one of them will ever own up to it.


I think there is just a vocal minority against it. Also pointing out lack of AOE when bladeflurry is going to be accessible at a later date is kinda funny.

We barely have any information on what a hero spec is besides them going to be a thing. They might be linked to current specs but that is just speculation. Although them bringing back combat as a 4th spec would be good.

I would agree to a tank spec…
I actually would love it!
No class whatsoever should have only DPS as an option.
A healing/tank spec always feels like a good change, more versatile and more fitting in many raid scenario or nights playing with friends where you can fill a spot.

With that said…
A lot of players love their specs.
I personally would’nt want to see Outlaw gone and changed to tanking…

So a 4th spec would be mandatory.
Otherwise I would strongly disagree.

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Make outlaw the tank spec because it’s just junk and bring back old combat as 4th spec.

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They were pretty clear on this, even in interviews.

Massive pass, tanking rogue ablities is the whole point of SOD…

hell yea rogue tank

i am for it, make it a fourth spec called “swashbuckler” focusing on Dual wield, with your damage mitigation being parry/dodge.

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hum… i dont like rogue tank idea, Id like a range rogue like diablo

I just have to say I’m playing a rogue tank and they are amazing now. I really hope they add it to retail especially as they said what happened in SoD is canon

Rogue tank spec would need to be “Warden”, like Maiev.