Bringing back 'Disarm Trap'

I feel it should be brought back into the fold with the unpruning for various causes, reasons and gameplay -


‘The War Against our Eternal Nemesis: The Hunters’:

  • If Hunters get Hunter’s Mark back (Being able to see us with Stealth unless we pop our CD cloak of shadows to remove it, then being screwed if we get re-marked) , then I feel us rogues should at least get ‘Disarm Trap’ back.


PVP aside, I feel it would offer ample opportunities in PVE to allow a rogue to disarm various traps in dungeons / raids later down the track.

  • Example of this could be such as a deactivation or sabotage of something a rather that helps an encounter prior or during the engagement as there was in Legion with various professions.

Feel free to post additional comments, thoughts & more bellow. :slight_smile:


*:zap: {Resuscitate} :zap: *

Thought I’d also revive this old fossil of a thread whilst I’m revisitting the forums … :upside_down_face:

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Im all for it. As far as i am concerned, as outlaw anyway, the unpruning was a big fat lie.


Not true. All specs now have poisons and SnD.
Feels like old times. :roll_eyes:

What was the reasoning for removing detect and remove trap when they have been core class skills since the beginning?

So now hunters get super stealth which allows them to drop flares and place traps without breaking it, but there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it.


Minus the detect + disarm traps … D-did you play in ‘Old times’? O_0

no gouge either. yeah having detect/disarm would be great considering we have to spend so much to get rid of hunters mark

I’m no internet interpreter. But I think it was sarcasm.

I will say seeing the traps before Marrowgar in ICC still gives me the creeps.

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I absolutely ADORED being the only rogue in ICC and having my guild have me lead the way, only to lead them through a trap on purpose and blame the hunter because I totally saw him step where he wasn’t supposed to.

The core class fantasy ability. Just like D&D. You bring rogue to a dungeon to have the rogue search for traps and disarm. Why they removed it in the first place really confused me. If anything, rogue should be the only class immune to traps.


I also miss opening chests in dungeons.


I guess the sarcasm didn’t come across. Yes, the unprunning was a pitiful attempt at something.

I remember when I first raided there. I kept telling people to not walk through the traps. They would ask “What trap?” I would reply “That big trap in front of you. Can’t you see it”

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I started playing in Wrath, during the Ulduar patch, and I fondly remember doing ICC. At the time I sorta mained a Prot Paladin for my old Horde guild so this Rogue got the PUG LYFE.
I remember feeling so great about calling out where the traps were in those two rooms and the pure joy I felt being thanked for hitting the lever after Saurfang to cut the ice sprays in that hallway.
Now being a Rogue isn’t special. At least being an Engineer affords me the ability to stem the flow of the slimes in the Manastorms wing of De Other Side. :upside_down_face:


Yeah that’s a factor I like with my rogue - being an engineer. Gives me some semblance of nostalgia to feeling helpful in disarming threats for the team.

Other than that, the only additional ‘HeLp’ they bring to dungeons / raids now is ‘Knives go BRRRRR’ when they’re high on the damage metres lol.

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Remember in Wrath when they first added FoK? My god, the AoE was gloriously broken.


I am all for bring back disarm trap,
I’d like to have gouge added back to all 3 specs.


I think it is because of the existence of subterfuge. Which is strange to take away disarm traps because of that.

Disarm traps is a staple of Rogue AT fantasy.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Meanwhile hunters have stealth for no clear reason and unlimited subterfuge.

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