Bring your CE guild to Turalyon! <3

I’m a monk.

A monk on a trunk.

Just join Mediocrity.

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Turalyon is great! :slight_smile:

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You’re great.

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Happy happy joy joy!

Sieara = the best. Turalyon = the best.

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Aww <3. Good luck on M Jaina guys!

Now is the time to come to Turalyon. Take advantage of the sale.!

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I actually have no idea when the sale ends lol.

This is the game that never ends. Yes it goes on and on my friend!

So many guilds are breaking up. Join us. <3

Lalala. Turalyon is super great.

Come Slap your way to a great realm

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new raid in 2 weeks, come raid on turalyon :wink:

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Happy Wednesday

I will never stop loving your guild name. :smiley:

Once upon a time, Legion was super duper fun.

I want it that way.

Tell me why
Ain’t nothin’ but a heartache