Bring your CE guild to Turalyon! <3

mmm black tea

I need to finish my homework. Save me!

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Warsong better kill Opulence.

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We need more Alliance guilds please. = p

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^^. Sieara does amazing work for this server! You won’t regret it!

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You’re too sweet. <3

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I need more Alliance!

We’re losing ranks. People better kill some bosses today!

/wave and yup I’m cheering my guys on hope they push through and we can start getting all days to mythic progression after this week.

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woooo Turalyon is where its at!

You guys are making a great case to move. I’ve been on KT for the longest, use to raid hard core back in Wrath but got seriously burned out. KT just seems to be burnt at the moment. I just created a VE warrior a few days ago, and trying to find a guild is a nightmare. I’m looking to either join an active, mature guild, or help creating an active casual guild. I don’t have time to really raid anymore do to very young kids. This seems like a pretty raid oriented server though. Too many characters on kt to move, but if the realm is right wouldn’t mind moving over my two main horde characters, or at least remaking my void elf.

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You’re welcome to come hang out on the realm discord and chat with us. = )

Our realm discord is here: behind the !turalyon command. Our realm events are hosted here as well so feel free to participate if you want.

I’m gonna sleep. Gnight friends!

Good morning.

Bolivia es bonita.

Hola amigos!

Hola chicos y chicas!

Bonjour les amis!

spanis spansi espaniol

ello there