Bring WoW to GamePass

Do it Microsoft!!

That would be the second best thing ever in this world

(The first best thing was the birth of Jesus)


Report as trolling and move on folks. Nothing to add here.


Why is he asking for the game to be on gamepass trolling?


I believe Valfjordur is atheist and they believed the jesus part was trolling.


Because gamepass = bad

They should add wow to the fortnite battle pass instead

This is obviously a troll thread but the game going to the Game Pass concerns me and is something I sometimes think about. I pay my sub with gold and unless they allow you to pay the Game Pass sub with gold (phat chance) this would make the game unplayable for me.


What would make you inclined to believe they’re an atheist?

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Well this is certainly the thread ever

Simple, he did not sing the praises of our Lord and saviour

Although neither did Salamandi, so he is now ex-communicated as well

He’s a sinner!

This is worse than the Original Post

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GP and Steam please.

More options = good thing

Mainly because it would likely raise the overall price to play WoW to somewhere between $23 and $30 a month because you would need a gamepass sub and WoW sub to play WoW. There’s already talks of that being how FF14 is going to work on Xbox

Reguardless of what is going on in the OP’s imagination…there is no reason to believe that they would give up the WoW sub revenue if things went that way

If they tie it to Game Pass I’m gone. I WILL NOT subscribe to that. Ever. For any reason.

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If they allow me to spend $9.99 a month instead of $14.99 a month I WILL QUIT!

lol yeah, alright.

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Reported you false flagging is against tos


This should be a thing. Encouraging others to flag posts should be actionable.

F14 will require both the FF14 sub and the gamepass sub by the sounds of it.

Wow is owned by microsoft however, so perhaps that scenario could be different. Also raises the question if individual expansions need to be paid for any longer.

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“will require” and “from the sounds of it” are two totally different things.