Bring Twink Queues Back

If you’re running so many dungeons then you should have plenty of nice gear. So, what’s all the fuss about again?

Yeah, that statement is funny.

But hey, feel free to show up all the bads. If your pvp achievements are better than those of the xpoff toons in this thread, I’ll eat my words.

What’s his source… himself? lol


They’re honor lvl 1.


If you think it’s bad now, you ain’t seen nothing. Wait till you got people at level 29 running around in Warforged gear tearing through your level 20 characters who couldn’t ‘afford’ (How the hell this is possible when this games been out 14 years that you can’t afford a 100 gold enchant for an heirloom chest that will last you 100 levels is beyond me) enchants. They’re making drop gear possible to proc as epic, which means an even bigger gap between levelers and pvpers. I promise you will whine about that too, and you will make a lot of threads about it too. And the same people in this thread will migrate over to that thread and whine there too. If you spent HALF as much time moaning and crying in these threads as you do actually putting together a character, we wouldn’t have these.

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That’s exactly what this suggestion is about:

Noone is seeking to penalise high performers. What they’re seeking is to penalise psychopaths who turn xp off with the intention to abuse gear advantage infinitely. Introducing an iL cap on all gear pieces inside PvP Instance for those who have xp set to “off” will cause these sc@mbags to fade into thin air because they won’t be able to get 2 shot freekills infinitely anymore:



Now they are psychopaths? :joy: You could always get better gear. Also you clearly don’t know how gear works. Heirloom and updated gear has the same ilvl as twinks use. And I’m very in favor of setting a minimum ilvl requirement.

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Those who turn xp off with the intention to abuse BiS gear within Instanced PvP always had wirings crossed in my books. 95% of games with >10% of BiS xp-offs end up in enemy team’s gy.

Scrubs don’t want to get better gear.

But BiS gear being much higher iL than heirloom baseline is not limited to that bracket. BiS gear that twinks use in each and every bracket is higher iL than heirloom and “updated?” gear (remember, scrubs are not “updating” anything. why, see above)

Great, so am I and a lot of people here. Give the following suggestion an upvote, as its good enough to have its own thread.

I turned off my XP at 39 to see how much ‘skill’ it actually takes to destroy people. I am not even BiS, but getting there and it is an absolute joke. Levellers just fall one after another. I haven’t even bothered to learn the class, I just mash three buttons over and over haha.

The only time there is even a remote challenge in low level BG’s is when there are other twinks in the game.

I would check my dmg against other levellers playing the same class and spec as I am and they are doing about half my dmg for the same abilities. No one can claim I have any skill with my 39, because there are hardly any buttons to press lol.

Here are some average abilities numbers from recount:
me: 171 (225%)
leveller: 75

Raging Blow:
me: 110 (174%)
leveller: 63

me: 86 (159%)
leveller: 54

me: 421 (155%)
leveller: 271

EDIT: an actual BIS twink’s numbers were even higher than mine for the same abilities haha.

While getting the gear was actually fun to do, levellers have absolutely no place in the queue with twinks.

Anyone claiming that BiS can be easily attained in dungeons and quest gear are not taking the following into account:

Levellers leave their BoA’s on (it gives extra XP). The number of dungeons/quests it would take to get gear that is better suited for PvP (stats-wise) would have you level out of the bracket before you got to BG.

Separate queues, or do something drastic to make it even remotely competitive. Right now any twink claiming they have skill vs levellers is full of it. It takes no skill whatsoever, just gear.

I did similar when I tried a twink to see what it was like. I could hop around all pleb-like and half-pay attention to the game and I won. As I mentioned before, it gave me the same feeling I got when I used a game genie on a nintendo game. I was like “oh yay…” and got bored.

You are correct, there is no skill involved. I would bet money that those who claim it honestly do not believe it but say it to try and get a rise out of people.

As of this patch, BiS is not even realistic anymore, even for twinks. With the rare/epic upgrades to the quest rewards, the best anyone can hope for is 80%-90%, and only on the high side if they faction transfer back and forth. You’re likely never to see someone in true BiS anymore lol

I am not BiS on my 39 and it is obscenely overpowered. So I don’t think only getting 80-90% BiS even matters.

Does this mean you feel its more of a balance issue, whether it be class or abilities?

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Did you check the #s compared to a “Leveler” with Quest Epics?
With the new system in place, this would have many different variables. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Epics for Everyone”

Was this what you were holding onto, Kang? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I compared myself to a leveller with the same class and same spec and same abilities and hit for nearly twice what they did. So no, it is not that.

Can we see your 39 and the leveler 39 you are comparing? It’s so we can see the comparisons too.

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Levelers were complaining about gear disparity?
Say no more!

“Epics for Everyone”

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What level do you have to be to ensure that these epic quest rewards give you the best for a 39? a 49? How many can one feasibly do before levelling out of a bracket?

You give me a list of BiS quest epics and I will see how many I can get before 29, starting on a fresh Kul Tiran at 20.

Twinks are so OP it is ridiculous.

I see why you were trying to hide your numbers now, they are surely to be even higher than mine.

Twinking is fun, but levellers should not be in the queue with them.


Abuse BiS gear? It’s BiS, why wouldn’t you try and get it? Is it abuse if someone gets the best tune-ups for their car? Or the best ingredients for their dish? “Abuse” is suddenly losing its meaning and becoming a soy-boy term

Now obviously if something is TOO op, it needs to be tuned. But that’s not on the players, that’s on Blizzard to patch, or even on them for implementing it in the first place without double-checking.


No handouts on patch day, I am tired. :kissing_heart:

This change is beneficial to keep the queues together and find a solution to the perceived imbalances. If we go back to separation, rerolling twinks have even more incentive to keep rerolling their twinks lol