Bring Twink Queues Back

this suggestion would take care of it:

But noone is suggesting FOTM-only PvP queues! Most complaints on the forums are about gear, and rightfully so. I absolutely agree with the fact that gear matters and I would love to see a gear getting baselined inside PvP Instances especially for someone with the highest abuse potential, like xp-off players.

But that’s exactly why it should be considered! It will only affect those who made a conscious decision to turn their xp off and abuse the gear advantage indefinitely inside PvP Instances!
It will not affect normal players, who will not have the gear above the heirloom baseline in any PvP bracket below max level one. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
It will not affect twinks that deck out in top gear but keep their xp on. They can continue enjoy stomping scrubs, but for a limited time, as they will level out.
It will not affect twinks like that want to have their xp-off and not have their gear downscaled inside PvP Instances. They can play wargames vs other twinks, where their gear will be completely unaffected. Or do WPvP. Jwlx, you belong here!
The only ones who will be affected are maniac psychopaths who live to stomp the living life out of undergeared scrubs infinitely, compromising the twink community in the process, by causing massive qq from scrubs and providing a basis for idiotic suggestions like dividing the brackets again that scarily enough doesn’t sound so idiotic because the minimum and maximum gear disparity in most brackets inside PvP Instances is still a cruel joke, albeit not as bad as 80-84 during MoP, but its still bad.