Bring Twink Queues Back

I have been killing Twinks on this very character for a decade? , no plans to stop.

As for Ramstein’s :face_vomiting:
Even with my fat grandfathered version, there was never a need to use it.

That’s exactly why

twinks want to stay in a certain PvP level indefinitely? No problem. Get your gear squished to a baseline like majority has and go ahead. Win by skill.


While this has been fun, the Navy drags me away once more. I’ll be back in a week’ish, stay classy friends!



Peace, be sure to check in with us. :wink:

Want to PvP and not be a free kill?

Stop wearing outdated gear and fill in those missing slots.

Gear matters. Templates didn’t stop classes from being OP. ilvl scaling didn’t stop FOTM classes from owning BG’s in WoD.

All these suggestions won’t make lazy players unlazy. They’ll still wear outdated gear. They’ll still be missing gear.

Also the fact your suggestion would apply only to xp off players, it’ll never be considered.


this suggestion would take care of it:

But noone is suggesting FOTM-only PvP queues! Most complaints on the forums are about gear, and rightfully so. I absolutely agree with the fact that gear matters and I would love to see a gear getting baselined inside PvP Instances especially for someone with the highest abuse potential, like xp-off players.

But that’s exactly why it should be considered! It will only affect those who made a conscious decision to turn their xp off and abuse the gear advantage indefinitely inside PvP Instances!
It will not affect normal players, who will not have the gear above the heirloom baseline in any PvP bracket below max level one. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
It will not affect twinks that deck out in top gear but keep their xp on. They can continue enjoy stomping scrubs, but for a limited time, as they will level out.
It will not affect twinks like that want to have their xp-off and not have their gear downscaled inside PvP Instances. They can play wargames vs other twinks, where their gear will be completely unaffected. Or do WPvP. Jwlx, you belong here!
The only ones who will be affected are maniac psychopaths who live to stomp the living life out of undergeared scrubs infinitely, compromising the twink community in the process, by causing massive qq from scrubs and providing a basis for idiotic suggestions like dividing the brackets again that scarily enough doesn’t sound so idiotic because the minimum and maximum gear disparity in most brackets inside PvP Instances is still a cruel joke, albeit not as bad as 80-84 during MoP, but its still bad.


Gearing up is not abusing anything.


Then why geared people lock xp while joining Instanced PvP?


Notice the similar theme?
What are these 109s with xpoff, running around with not one zone piece. :thinking:
Are they trying to look like Twinks or unkempt levelers?

Kangmurloc if you are referring to

then those are twinks. And they roflstomp PvP Instances because of gear and gear alone


So they can stay at that level?

Your question makes no sense. Turning xp off is not abusing a glitch or exploit.

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Floyln And why do they want to stay at that level?

Because they chose too.

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Why do they chose it? >:D

If you are going to turn xpoff, why would you purposely disable your characters?

Kangmurloc You wouldn’t?
Noone is asking you to.
What they’re asking for is not to abuse your gear advantage inside PvP Instances until the sun goes crashing down and until Elune no longer shines.

  • abuse your superior gear for a limited time and then kindly proceed into next PvP bracket level where your gear will be average and you will have to rely on your skill to win.
  • pay the price of your gear getting downscaled to a heirloom/timewarped baseline, which is a pretty good indicator of a standard expected iL requirement to comfortably participate in that specific PvP Instance level range.

You can’t have both. You just shouldn’t! There is no single reason why you would want to, unless you’re a pathological graveyard farmer. These nutcases are a minority, but the entire twink community gets the blame for their disgusting actions, which are providing a basis for knee jerk suggestions like dividing the brackets. You aren’t one of these psycopaths, are you?

But to re-iterate the earlier point, graveyard farming maniacs wouldn’t have such an impact on a common player pool if it wasn’t for grossly undergeared cannonfodder who are both the main target of graveyard farming by said maniacs and the main source of qq on a forums calling a witch hunt on all twinks, most of who are pleasant and ethical individuals.

So I am totally going to stand by the suggestion that undergeared scrubs shouldn’t be allowed to join a casual Instanced PvP. The reason is because all that is going to happen when these scrubs join PvP Instance half-naked is they’re going to be a burden on a team, and a very Instanced PvP nature of a time/resource/objective limit will prevent the team from identifying and votekicking underperformers and get a decent replacement in due time until it is too late and even the best replacement won’t make a difference.

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Some co-workers have informed me of a modern movement where
“becoming disabled makes them happy.”
The elective procedure here would be refusal of obtaining and equipping gear/items in order to replicate disablement.
Would this be accurate in our Brackets within World of Warcraft too?

This is from other thread, but it is relevant here.

Yes, absolutely.
That’s why this suggestion would solve 80% of all the gear based qq

The other 20% of gear based qq would be solved by this

Google Pareto principle :slight_smile:


Time for you and rogue to have the back and forth with yourself, it is late.

I’m trying to think how I can put this without sounding like a complete prat or a stuck up jerk however I can’t seem to do it, so I won’t try. I’m going to be honest, you won’t like this honesty, but it is what it is. You’re making comments about twink battlegrounds on a level 120 character who obviously does a lot more raiding then he does battlegrounds. I mean, yes there are other 120’s here but they have a lot more experience in battlegrounds and their comments are relevant. Your achievement feed speaks for itself, 10k honorable kills, very few battlegrounds done at anything lower then 120. You yourself have even said in other threads that the majority of your PvP was done at max level where you merc’d (and then carried your team?)

This gives me the feeling you have very little time spent around twinks or even doing anything involving twinks that wasn’t this thread or this forum. Your little cute comment about “I don’t play with other twinks?” I’m not a twink you nitwit. I’m not a level lock. This character isn’t even in BiS so I have no idea what you’re talking about other then trolling. I have two twinks, both of them are support healers and neither of them are DPS so again, you’re trolling. To be completely straight, watching Greyhide post the exact same thing day in and day out gets old. And watching you froth at the mouth about something you have absolutely no clue about is amusing. I deeply doubt that at any time you ‘carried’ another team with your extreme lack of PvP experience. But I digress.

You’ve done nothing but troll. You and Greyhide are posting the same rhetoric day in, and day out, and frankly I feel like you two are part of the problem. Zero clue what you’re talking about, but absolutely wanting the world to know your opinion. Just go away.