Bring the Violet Spellwing Mount to BMAH

There are many things that were either limited time, or just limited. The mount for opening the gates at AQ, ONE, one per server. Since you weren’t here then, should you be able to obtain that one too?

No, you shouldn’t be able to acquire items that were labeled limited from before a particular Xpac launched.

But you should have something to work toward now. THATS what you should be demanding from Blizzard.

I have this mount with 2-3 characters … it’s in my bank. Would like to be able to trade it …

I don’t require credibility. I’m not engaging in popularity contests or trying to win an argument on the internet. Have at your rant and ramble. You posted your opinion, you were given many reasons by multiple people why it is unpopular (which obviously is not what you wanted to hear), now we’re done here.

Sorry that your invalid argument has caused you to withdraw from the conversation. Perhaps next time you can do some basic reading and very quick research before making false accusations.

Take care!

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I’d honestly like to see them return most things back to the game in some form or another.

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rpg players want to feel special, you included lol

i would def care. Asking for achievement rewards to now be purchasable with Real life money is not a good move for the game imo…which is what this would do.

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This is exactly what we were asking Blizz to do when they arbitrarily decided to remove the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur from the vendors. There was a huge thread where most of us were asking them to just put one in without the vendors (because they specifically said they wanted an AH mount to be “rare”). We got absolutely nowhere with our request.

I am totally for putting in recolors to replace limited time models that have no other available versions. People who missed out the first time will get a similar model and people who got the original have a chance to get a second version while their first one stays “unique.” A win/win in my mind.

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