Bring the Hearthsteed to Classic

This mount was initially given as a reward for trying the card game when it first came out. Unavailable since then bit I LUV this mount. Would actually pay real $$ for this one over all the other ‘incentive’ mounts Blizz has been offering lately.


and while we’re at it, bring Hearthstone to Classic

Please don’t give them any ideas. :worried:

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It could be good for lols.

I remember the retail rabble rabble when the MOP special mount went on store.

To me…that mount is ugly as sin. So I got some laughs from the hardcore fomo people up in arms over it as a sale mount.

I wanted to go dudes…don’t worry. I don’t see it selling well. There are better ways to run up mount numbers for the achievements imo than buying that thing.

Bring back TCG and bring it into Wrath Classic. I wanna ride a Swift Spectral Tiger on my shaman and paladin in there. I would buy one for each.

i kinda remember that. they eventually added the CE mount/minion for WoD through SL too. made me wonder if they’d ever add the minions from past expansions, but they never did.

i know they want to make them “special”, but honestly any one with deep pockets can buy an unopened copy of the CE’s and redeem the codes for the pets. (still quite rare, but VERY expensive to say the least)

This one?

Looks dope AF indeed.
Likely to be on Trading Post on retail though.

i don’t see a problem if blizzard add mounts/pets/toys to classic in-game shop, those things doesn’t effect the gameplay for any player.

people buy what they likes, blizzard take more money! win win.

and please before you tell me “this is not retail” i would say…This is not classic either.

Not before Sparkle Pony or X51 Rocket

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Meh, I couldn’t care less about cosmetics. They can knock themselves out with a cash shop, for all I care.


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AFAIK it’s still available if you play a bit of Hearthstone.

Wrath isn’t Classic.

We’ve asked for all the old exclusive pets/mounts, which they could have sold in the rehost for easy money… but they refused to do any of it. They did invent some new things but original old ones remain unobtainable.

Rather they focused on WotLK items and features that were left out like the Perky Pug or Mr Chily, not adding in MoP items personally.

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