I understand that Solo shuffle wasn’t available back in Cata days but it’s 2024 give the opportunity to a lot of adults to play pvp and que up without depending on Other people’s Lives and schedules , it would probably bring life back to the game. if you have not notice arena activity in classic cataclysm its currently dead. and this would benefit upcoming expansions
or just put skirms back in the game like can we have a single person at blizzard play their damn game, its disgusting. sell it please
This is what would be considered spam…
I would really like to have skirmishes. Apparently they removed them for Cata originally though… I had thought that was a bug for the longest time.
this would be a bad change and if we’ve learned anything from solo shuff is that its either dead or makes all other brackets with rewards dead
its 1st week of the season, majority of players are farming h+ gear or bgs
Stop adding retail to classic
They cant even flip a switch to turn Joyous journeys back on and you want the Cata intern to add actually new mechanics to the game??
Yea that’s the reason why I quit playing it. And they are going to release MoP and probably WoD and Legion after that and BFA and someday even…TWW Classic.
They ruined regular Classic. Lvl 60 version. By giving it the guild UI that we didn’t have until Shadowlands. And they gave druids polarms now.
THAT’S how they ruined Classic?
dude your reason for quitting cata was because they added the high warlord gear to transmog
I quit way before that was a thing. They have no arena teams, the new version of arena MMR, WoW tokens, no battlegroups, cant change specs in arenas like you used to be able to or in battlegrounds or RBGs, your spells now auto downgrade to low ranks when cast on low level players, all pets and mounts are account bound now. Achievements are account bound. I also quit for all those reasons too. You originally needed R8 to earn that gear to mog and you could not mog it on any class that did not earn it…don’t believe me? Go into TWW RIGHT NOW, try to mog any of the original level 60 gear that you did not earn…you cant. I legit wasted time earning the mog for that gear on a paladin and got the title to earn it/ranking…and it was all for nothing since now anyone can mog to it.
You didn’t even play Cata back in the day so you wouldn’t know, if you would have, you would not like this version of it at all.
half of the things you listed are just quality of life fixes, or if they werent fixed would be abused by players (imagine how gimmicky 3s would be at high rating if you could swap specs every game)
high warlord and the gear associated with it requires 1800 rbg rating, about equiv skill as a gm/hwl player, they removed it on cata because rbgs are dead and they know majority of players couldnt hit it due to no queues
playing cata back in the day and now doesnt matter at all, your reasons for disliking the game are just because you want your timesink 0 skill hwl gear to matter (lol)
It worked fine back in the day and what happens if you are left with only one healer from one team and one healer from the other team being the only survivors. It was only after Blizzard got their new dev team that they changed it.
And no arena teams allows for much easier boosting now too which is why all of you like the no teams so much cuz now you can have someone who is 2.4k+ to run you with your 0 rated toon and your rating will go up to their super fast when back in the day with teams, you had to play with your teammates only and had your MMR that you had and you could not get super high if the rest of your team wasn’t that high as well. And they even made glad be 2.4k when it was originally top % based only.
I got R14 in retail and in Classic.
You act like you are telling me something I didnt know when I said exactly this to you before
R8 is 1800. And the weapons originally required R14 to mog until that was later changed to be R8 as well but still only then for the class that earned them. Even in TWW I cannot mog to RBG gear that I did not earn, yet you can in Cata and you people call this a “Classic”.
And also…
You are a bad player if you can’t interrupt someone when they try to change specs in arenas. You hit them with any spell or ability at all, then that 6 second talent swap gets interrupted. Any damage at all will stop the change in an arena. Even a tick from a dot. RBGs in Cata are dead cuz no one likes this Classic version of the game. Europeans run a Cata p server now that is currently so active that THEY can actually form active arena teams and do back to back RBGs. Got over a quarter million playing over there on non Blizzard ran servers if that shows you what the playerbase REALLY wants.
I would play Cata if it were an exact copy of the original but it isn’t. That is why I liked MoP Remix so much because they said it was going to be different and it was. Now MoP Classic has 0 chance since Remix was far better than any of the Classics have been.
“teams stopped boosting” - teams made boosting possible by joining and injecting it since you only needed to be in 150cr of the teams cr
you are delusional and got no idea wtf ur talking about
perfect example of teams = boosting
Not that they stopped it but they made it more difficult. And you also could not switch out of arena teams or join or form a team close to the end of the season and could only play while in a team. And it also caused you to get friends. Still have friends phones numbers and talk to them this day from PvP I did with them well over 10 years ago.
WoW is so anti social now that you people begin having major panic attacks when the prospect of looing for a group of people to play with for an entire season comes up. It why you all get so amazed when some people can do some of the key runs with the same group of people so many times…cuz they do it with friends, not by pugging or why you all act so amazed when some guilds have every one in them to full BiS in level 60 WoW…playing with friends. I play with my friends. People I know irl. That’s why I get what I got.
I just described how they don’t. As you cannot play in your team vs another team if your MMRs are not matching, you cant add people close to end of season, you play with someone of a higher CR back in the day then their CR will auto start to drop down to yours and yours rise up to theirs but only within the team that you had them in.
And teams vs teams…you used to only get paired up with teams of a matching MMR to your own. Ironforge pro and ironforge the original did not even exist when arena teams still did.
And I have R14 as well on more than one and in Classic I have R9 pally, R11 pally, This mage which is gaining rank and another toon in SoD that is also grinding out the titles as well and in retail I have R14s, and R8, R6, R7, Hero RBG. So I’ve done the PvP for both retail and Classic for BGs.
Im fighting the same teams over and over at 1.6k mmr. Is this normal?
SS would be sweet but it might kill rated entirely
Yes, blizzard this. Read this thread.
Bring solo shuffle to MoP!
You’ll all be playing TWW Classic soon. It’s not even Classic anymore. Hasnt been for a very log while.
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