Balance Druid being almost entirely a spec based on Moon/Star stuff doesn’t feel right and is a huge missed opportunity.
Blizzard, I beg you, please give us that Malfurion class fantasy with Balance. Whenever Malfurion fights, there is gale force wind, lightning, javelin-sized thorns, roots, etc.
Remember Hurricane? That was a freaking cool spell:
We need stuff like this back. Bring back green Wrath, Hurricane, and more stuff focused on Emerald Dream magic and forest, nature & weather themes. Right now we have 6 (!) different spells that are just different colors of sky beams. And 90% of the spec is star/moon focused.
All the Star & Moon stuff would work beautifully as a Priest spec. After all, it literally was called Priestess of the Moon in Warcraft 3. That way you would have Priest specs based on what they worship - the Light, Old Gods & Elune, which makes a ton of sense. And Balance Druids can be badass Emerald Dream/Nature magic users instead of the “Priest of the Moon but in Druid clothes” frankenstein.
My eyes do not miss Hurricane, or tanks moving packs out of it. But I agree overall, keeper of the forest is the nature side of boomie while chosen of elune is the star/moon theme. It’s strange the spec is called balance and yet the hero talents split the harmony of nature/lunar combination.
I was actually about to post something about this, that Druids don’t make sense to me anymore.
Their spells are all celestial, but they’re also about animals? There’s a divide that shouldn’t exist. Look, if Shaman have the non-living parts of nature, the permanent things, the rocks, the fire, the water, the wind, that’s great. They have a fantastic theme. That leaves the LIVING parts of nature for Druids. Their spells shouldn’t be cosmic. They should be about the life and growth of nature.
Instead of Sunfire it should be Insect Swarm.
Instead of Moonfire it should be Fireseed
Instead of Starfire it should be Storm of Thorns
Instead of Wrath…ok, Wrath is ok. I guess. But it should be green.
I think Druids got off track as NE lore grew, and Elune, as a celestial presence, began influencing it more and more, and Druidism and NE identities merged.
Druids need an identity seperate from NEs.
I wanted a squid/kraken aquatic form for my KT, given KT lore and design are seafaring people. But druid is for NE fantasy.
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I am fine with some celestial aspect to balance druid. But there needs to be BALANCE. Insect swarm animation would be us throwing a bee hive at someone. Mages have ice walls, we should have a bramble patch that we grow and reduces movement speed by 30% growing to 90% until it dies off. Force of Nature needs to go back to the MoP days. If anything, just bring back the last one and we all would be happy.