Bring Mr Bigglesworth back as a world boss

Mr Bigglesworth remembers how players indiscriminately killed him in Naxx ( despite players thinking for the longest time under the assumption doing so would make the raid “hard” ).

Mr Bigglesworth remembers and wants REVENGE. Bring him back in a future patch and make him into a 40+ boss. Make him stupidly OP too. He deserves it. :pleading_face:



I will not deny or confirm that this post might’ve been submitted by a cat.

A ( potential) cat tired of seeing Mr Bigglesworth suffer. :crying_cat_face:


You want to murder the kitty over and over again?!



If you wanna count SoD achievement as canon

He is super dead and gone

Make him ultra OP like Blizz did at Blizzcon to that one raid group against Hogger


(Blizzcon 2009 apparently upon looking it up, i feel old now!)

You mean like Crithto when he used to one-shot me in Stormwind when he was a 91 elite? lol


Just put him in the cave with the rabbit at the Darkmoon Fair. That would be epic!

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i liked this achv

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Or put him in the brawler’s guild!


Oh no, you’re right!

We’ll say he gets away just as the killing blow would’ve taken him out. Perfect!

He can ccome back. :sob:

YES! :clap:

Exactly! No one should mess with Bigglesworth.

I support this idea. :+1:

This too!

This one was fun. But we need a return!

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