Uh, you realize once you finish leveling, none of that borrowed power stuff is going to carry over to retail, right?

No, they’re entirely different models, should actually look at the items

If you think this

And this

Look the same, I don’t know what to tell you

You guys unironically believing this publicly should only serve to bolster Blizzard’s stance on this subject lmao.

I’m gonna go enjoy my CM set now. See you all in Remix!


Lol running with tail tucked between the legs. Love to see it.

Ah ok, so I showed the pictures that prove you other statement entirely wrong so you run off

Makes sense

someones jealous

Did you need someone to show you to your seat? I wouldn’t be surprised if you got lost.

ope, “Notorious” got called out so he’s coming back!

Let’s see what excuse he comes up with next!

Gonna try to get the last word again big shoots?

Now they are, why are we comparing sets that come from raid to cm? The ones that come from raid are quite literally the same minus color. The challenge mode one compared to class hall is missing key aspects of it which make it unique.

I just prefer not to argue with the collective IQ equivalent to the inside temperature of an industrial freezer. You guys are clearly clueless and upset. You’ll continue to be. It is what it is.

One of your links didn’t work, but I know exactly what the Legion sets look like lmao. They are the same sets. The hardest one to get has all the extra goodies.

This is funny.


I’m talking to a 13 year old, clearly.

Not the same sets. Missing peices of the shoulderpads and helm and effects as well dont make them the same set. Also if they are the same set, why are you against them bringing them back? Didnt they already do that in your eyes?


When you’re losing, we can tell.

Work fine for me. Awful convenient, ain’t it?

So basically

I can go get a haircut, change the style entirely, but as long as I dye my hair as well

Just a recolor, since the only differences are a few things

Make sure to change your head shape too while you’re at it.

Blizzard seems to agree with me about not bringing the sets back, I have my CM set already, and I’d bet money the vast majority of players agree with me on whether the Mythic sets are recolors, or at the very least not “completely different sets.”

Keep coping, though.

I’d say that’d be harder to do but its just a recolor so should be no effort at all

What? Even that isnt the definition of recolor. Its on google guys, do some research of what the language your speaking determines what a “recolor” is.

Hey that’s a cool strawman but literally nobody has said they’re completely different sets.

They’re aren’t recolors though, nor are the CM/Class Hall sets.

Keep running though.


I was making fun of their definition of recolor, come on man

they are never rereleasing or bringing forth mythic recolors of the CM sets. so idk why people are still mad. just get over it or get the legion recolors

What the heck are mythic recolors?

I just want a regular one, thanks