Bring mercenary mode to classic

careful the #Nochanges are going to get you

Now that premades are addressed now is time for the queues to be addressed.

No changes doesn’t matter for sure now.

Time to fix BG’s in classic

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You may enjoy standing in a tunnel with orcs reeking of BO and undead wafting the smell of grave dirt and old farts, but that’s a no from me, dawg.

I’m pretty sure all the #nochangers are curled up in the fetal position asking why Daddy Blizz has forsaken them.

But they will be alliance lol

No, they won’t.

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Yeah, see they would go to an NPC and agree to queue as the opposite faction, and once they get into the game they would be alliance for the duration of the BG

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You realize this will probably cause a greater imbalance in PVP server faction populations? Ima say no thanks.

No, they wouldn’t be. They would be foul smelling Hordies in a Halloween mask.

Tauren and trolls can queue with me, they’re cool.

Except merc mode is for killing your own faction, and being accepted into a warzone by the faction that wants to kill your faction.

Let’s give us wpvp merc mode while we’re at it, why not right? Oh, and faction changes, and titanforging sounds good. Maybe lets toss in flight whistles and flying mounts, naturally with pathfinder since everyone loves that.

Can we get demon hunters too? What else can we do to ruin what once was Vanilla now that the floodgates are open to every change we can think of?

Slippery slope arguments are weak.

Queues are the biggest issue facing BGs right now, there is no good reason to not fix them through merc mode.

Would it fix a problem? Yes. Should it be done? No.

The biggest issue facing BGs, raiding, economy, servers and the game in general is not Horde queues- it’s there being way more players on Horde than Alliance.

Making solutions that make Horde so appealing that Alliance is literally pointless and without any benefit whatsoever is pretty much the best way to utterly kill one faction.

Now, if that’s your goal, then you’ve come up with a great solution.

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Why would anyone roll alliance on a pvp server if there was a merc mode?


Because it’s fun to be on the underpopulated faction.

You wouldn’t understand because you went to an alliance dominated realm because you don’t like pvp

What are you talking about? Sulfuras was originally a horde dominated realm. It might be an alliance dominated server now due to all the alliance transfers from really unbalanced servers (like your booty server–def got some peeps from your realm), but it def was not during phase 1 and the start of phase 2. Clueless.

Name a good horde guild on sulfuras.

They don’t exist. You picked an easy server because you don’t want competition.

LOL. Braindead assumptions. Have fun on your dead server.

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Yeah, we totally knew what the populations and their guilds would be like 6 months down the road, within the first few days of launch.

For real though, how do you even think that your comment was intelligent?

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You know he can transfer right?