If your team controls docks, bringing the glances to hangar is much better than bringing than to west gate. Nowadays, hangar pretty much determines who wins. If both teams are still fighting over hangar, the glaives can be a huge game changer since they also do huge damage to players. A single glaive shot does nearly 2 million damage to ever player it hits, and those can be shot nearly every second. The glaives’ secondary ability, Blade Salvo, which is usually pretty useless, is actually very useful here because it fires glaives even more rapidly at a target location and can kill anyone in said spot in just a few seconds, so aiming it near the flag can eviscerate the enemy team. And because glaives can fire from like 100 yards away, you don’t really have to worry about them being destroyed quickly since the rest of your team will be acting as a meat shield, and the enemy risks losing hangar if they step away from the flag to kill glaives. Even if your team controls hangar and the enemy team isn’t pushing it, you can sneak the glaives around to the enemies east gate without any of them noticing if you take the glaive the long way around through hangar.
It’s worth noting that I say this as an Alliance player. This strat might not work as well for the Horde. The Alliance can just park the glaives at the opposite side of the top end of the hill and fire flavors from there at the flag, but this might be harder for the Horde since the flag is located right at the end of the slope of the hill that they approach from, so positioning glaives to be out of range but still able to fire at the flag might be tricky
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Horde glaives in hangar can shoot alliance base gate.
However, imho glaives in hangar are more for decoration than anything else. They get destroyed quickly, so they aren’t reliable for defending the flag. If there were 15+ players dedicated to protecting the glaives, those same players could easily spin the hangar flag without needing any glaives’ help.
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They’re very useful if the Horde makes a big push for Hangar. You can just park the glaives on the opposite side of the hill and fire at them from 100 yards away, far out of range for them to do anything about it. The rest of the Alliance team would act as a meat shield preventing the Horde from getting to the glaives, and even if the Horde tries to go for the glaives first, they’d have to go far away from the flag. Even stealthies would have trouble getting to the glaives since they’d have to walk past the giant AoE fest going on without taking damage. The glaives can last long enough unless some Horde come in from behind.
Glaives are pretty much worthless anyways for the Alliance in most matches anyways since the airship will be hitting east gate, so the only way to really make the glaives useful is to use them to either stop a Horde push for Hangar, or just sneak them around the long way through Hangar to the Horde east gate, since they’ll almost certainly be destroyed if they try to approach east gate straight through mid
Most successful Horde recaps of hangar use the Alliance side ramp, rather than the Horde ramp, as the Alliance airship can bomb the Horde ramp. Good Alliance airship gunners can wipe out a group of 25+ Horde players on the Horde ramp in under 20 seconds.
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docks and hangar is just rubbing it in
Good luck keeping glaives alive all the way from docks to hangar.
If the opposing team allows that to happen, chances are you already one and don’t need them anyway.
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Exactly. This sounds like a win more strat.
From my experience, it’s not too hard since no one expects it. If it became a more common strat, then yeah it would be much harder to pull off