Bring Flex Raiding To Cata

Clear example of yours. You can clearly see what I quoted and my response is to that quote.

I then elaborate further, because I know your stance and you want LFR because of perceived gatekeeping, which I expand upon further that you’d still be kicked even if the group was not formed manually.

Keep up.

Be if you don’t raid, you’re not a casual raider.


with a stable 17 , you shouldnt have a hard time finding the remaining few.

Oh Ok

I see now. You did answer the question. My mistake.

I just skimmed through it originally since I don’t take anything you have to say seriously.

I do raid

I do VoA every week; and…

I join VoA groups the standard way. Your, classic Andy way.


Cutting down a tree does not make you a lumberjack.

Going to VOA once a week does not make you a raider.

It’s not even “casual”. It’s the same vein as an arena player doing a daily instance.

I have said multiple times I support LFR. You just skip over it and ignore it. That is once again, a you issue.

What a nice casual way of saying you’re dumb. If simple sentences are too complex for you, then it makes sense why you put an agi enchant on a caster staff then put a parry gem into it.

But hey, atleast you didn’t stomp your foot into the ground and insist you know more about a game you don’t play this time. I’ll make a functioning human out of you yet.


It stands to reason that if I can do VoA, I can do other difficulties/raids.

Nothing you say coincides with that when you paint random queuers like me as anti-social.

There’s one thing to be dumb, there’s another thing to simply disregard as beneath one. I skimmed through it originally because I had already assumed you had nothing to say as is normally the case.

I was wrong in that I misread a simple sentence. A simple, common mistake others can and have made.

It by no means is that I’m wrong in anything I’m talking about.

Not when you have a half and half ele/enhancement talent build, home brewed btw, with a tank trinket and a caster staff that once again has an agi enchant and a parry gem socketed.

Or the fact that you keep whining about being gatekept and your excuse for not having logs is just that, you’re being gatekept from the raids.

Which you can make your own raid at any time btw.

Your comprehension is wack and no where did I ever say this. :point_down:

That’s what I said in a different thread, replying to you, specifically.

Another line of cope because you lack a rebuttal, just like every other time.

It’s too common for you. You hit me with an Asmongold quote earlier, so let me quote Kratos to you. “Don’t be sorry. Be Better.”

Except it does, because you openly admit to having not played these games, refuse to play these games, but still formulate baseless opinions with no ground in reality to what you are actually talking about. It’s almost like you’ve played checkers your whole life, refused to learn a single thing about chess, but assume you know everything about chess because you played checkers. That’s you every time.

You can stop replying since you already said I am correct.

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And we’re back to skimming I see. But since this isn’t my thread, I’m going to have to argue in good faith, and I’m just going to stick to this one comment.

What is it you expect me to do with a statement like that?

Do you not believe that I do VoA once a week because I have a parry gem?

You can’t say for sure if the parry gem, or the sentry totem, had any true bearing on the outcome of any event; unless you were there to see for yourself, and it can be determined beyond a reasonable doubt that such actions taken had a direct outcome on the event.

That’s why your ridiculous notions are just that, ridiculous. Along with your bad logic and hypocrisy.

You haven’t really argued anything and have just derailed anything I say into a urination match.

Skimmed what? I quoted half of that sentence. It is the only sentence there. What is there to skim.

To learn from your actions. You whine about how you’re being gatekept. Why? Looking at how you talent and itemize, I can clearly see why. I already explained in another thread how you were wrong about player performance as it is not entirely based on just raw damage, and while you do have relentless/wrathful quality gear, you also have a tank trinket and a staff gemmed for agi and parry. It makes no sense. Anyone worth their salt would kick you.

They’re kicking you because of this. You can easily put in the correct gems and enchants, and be fine, but you absolutely refuse to for whatever reason.

This only proves you to be a selfish player and you wonder why raid leaders aren’t inviting a selfish player to their team… Probably because the team needs team players, not selfish individuals.

VOA is a pvp raid. It was designed to be the easiest form of content for each phase for this reason. It’s locked behind a pvp event for christ’s sake. This does not translate to ICC.

As a retired raid leader and organizer, I can promise you, looking at your gear would keep you in the raid for 5 minutes while we all laugh at you, before kicking you, putting you on ignore, and then laughing again. It’s not even the pvp gear itself. It’s just so unbelievably unoptimized, to the point where it isn’t even a meme, it’s just outright bad. Atleast Warden Shamans tried to make their stats work. You just, you overcooked and burned it. If you can’t follow a simple guide to put the right gems in your gear, how am I, a raid leader, supposed to trust you to do anything correct? I can’t, and I won’t. I’ll gladly find a shaman who isn’t you.

You openly admit to skipping what I say, then finally double back and say I am correct, and now once again calling me a hypocrite. You’re too lost in the sauce and I’m trying to throw you a life vest.

But, if you want to rage against all these “gatekeepers” then have it. I’ll keep replying and laughing.

As far as derailment is concerned, my brother in christ, you realize you are just as guilty if I am, right?

You’re not.

Because I don’t need your permission to raid.

I need your permission to join your group, or any group.

But if I don’t want to join any kind of group other than the randomly generated, automated group, for any kind of content, that’s not something that concerns you, or even gives you the right to impose yourself against it.

And yet, that’s exactly how it is.

You do every time if you’re asking for permission to join a raid. I get it, you don’t do that and that’s what LFR is for according to you. This just leads into another fact that players don’t have to play with you and can kick you.


You just refuse to understand that I support LFR. I even explained how I farmed Battle-Scarred Augment Runes in BFA through LFR, which was one of the three ways to obtain them.

You need to be reeducated on comprehension my friend.

I doubt you, because you keep saying how you quit in cata and haven’t touched retail. You supposedly know so much about a system that only exists in versions of wow you actively despise and revile, as by your own posts about the future expansions.

You can easily at any point make your own raid with your own rules. You just refuse to because of “some reason” that you haven’t said, at least, that I haven’t seen.

Everything you complain about is truthfully a you issue.

Oh by the way, you’re off topic.

This current discussion actually belongs in my thread as this is a thread about flex raid, which I can admit, you have put to rest with you someone limited knowledge shared.

Then stop replying to me about something else. I’m just responding back in kind because that’s the person I am. I don’t like leaving people on read.

I also don’t like having those same people openly lie about me and then try to weasel out of it. The power to stop this is entirely in your hands.

We can compromise, you can have the last word in this thread, but if you continue to bump my thread,

I’m going to call you out on the urination match, you yourself want to continue to have.

You’ll find that I have great range in my words even for my small stature.

No. You can apologize about openly lying about me for the last 48 hours, coming at me unprovoked of your own volition, and then I’ll do me.

Weird flex. All you’re doing is spamming another thread with a copy paste. I legitimately feel pity for you.

You really should seek help.

You’re the one continuing to attempt to discuss in two threads at once.

I don’t have a stake in this one anymore as I have a better idea of what flex is now, thanks to you; the OP couldn’t even clarify for me, so everything you’ve discussed after that would have fit better in my thread instead of me having to try and report you.

When some fresh reporting charges return to my thread, I’ll finish reporting you then.


What was the thing you keep saying to me? Hold it, it’s literally your first response to me in this thread, let me quote it for you.

It is no one’s fault but yours that you keep getting lost in the sauce and rambling about something else, then pretending that you aren’t the one starting the “derailment”.

You have serious problems with delusions.

What do any of these ramblings have to do with flex raiding?

Says the person that is going to continue this urination match tomorrow because you’re obviously tired tonight.

The coward who thinks he’s a PvPer yet plays in a server with little repercussions for getting ganked.

See you tomorrow…

You obviously have no intention of stopping, so I’m going to retort every single time you address me now.

I agree. No more compromise. I’ll see you tomorrow, if you decide to continue this.

Idk what’s more weird, the fact that bad players like you make up headcanon for me all the time, or that you edited your post 3 times.

Stop shaking so much from anger and you won’t be needing to edit so much.


I’ve already explained how flex raiding and this conversation affects you, as you in his very thread go “yeah well it’s not LFR so ew”, which leads back to your same tired argument about needing LFR because you’re too bad at this game to even gem your gear with the correct stats.

Which just will lead to you getting kicked and whining more. It’s the same song and dance you do because you know nothing else. Have you tried forming your own raid? That may help you.

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I don’t feel like forming my own raid.

I want an automated system to do it all for me.

Your constant mentioning of forming my own raid is just you constantly dodsging the issue.

Yes you did. And I interpreted it as nonsensical nonsense. That doesn’t need much more dignifying than that.

So, LFR? You’ll never get automated grouping for Normal or Heroic modes though.

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