Please bring back the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur mount during wow’s 20th anniversary for gold cap for just that week. For gold cap means past BMAH sells are still fair, the bfa buyers still get it for 5mil discount. Stop punishing new players and those players of decades who missed BFA with a cool celebration event of 20 years.
PS. yes i know dev’s said it was a mistake and they won’t do this
Sad but true, but the answer is always no until you ask. The fact that after years of broken code that was fixed to allow the bruto back to the bmah means things can change!
Dude, don’t you know that new players go to websites like Wowhead and Simple Armory to find all the stuff they can’t get anymore before they download the game?
While I wish I put more effort into farming mission tables / gold once they made the announcement the mount was going away, and I wish I had it, I do not think they should bring it back. They should keep their word, because it would be unfair to those who busted their butts and got it done.
That said, you’re not being “punished”. Like at all. Stop it with this nonsense hyperbolic attitude.
I actually don’t agree with them keeping the Brutosaur out of the game for one reason.
There are shady websites that “sell” BMAH mounts and now that gold can be traded across servers they just made it 10x easier for these people.
I think the BMAH should be shut down completely and the anniversary mounts put on the anniversary vendor like one already is, the two ZG mounts need to go back to ZG by giving us the original version of that raid via a bronze dragon, they already have a system to get the original Naxx sets back so they could just tweak it a bit, they can put the plagued (and black) proto-drake back to the achievement while keeping the title exclusive and last but not least, put the Brutosaur back on the vendor for either the original price or gold cap.
Well said and agreed with all, I farmed like mad recently to hit gold cap but sadly I’m competing against these websites.
Having fun but temporary anniversary is a cool way to bring back these nostalgic items. Like 20th anniversary and a great idea people have proposed is during the Timewalking raid event, bruto for bfa, naxx and proto-drakes etc
I wasn’t taking into account gold laundering and other IRL issues, for sure.
Assuming no concerns like that, I think these limited time things should be limited, but I understand if there are actual issues at play, and that could take precedence.
I’m also less concerned about items / mounts / gear coming back that used to be a dungeon or raid drop, but the content was updated or moved like with naxx or ZG
To me that’s a bit of a different thing than rewards tied to limited time achievements or feats of strength.
Maybe if they bring back something like the ZG mount, people who had it from way back when could get a feat of strength or legacy achievement. Whatever is appropriate.
I 100% agree with honoring the scarcity aspect. Like having something available 1 week of the entire year seems fair. Players can plan for it and work towards that goal, aka keep sub going which is healthy for the game. And then ultimately taking millions of gold when you buy the mount out of the economy which is what these cosmetic gold sinks are all about.
And what’s worse: not having access to the biggest trolling mount in existence or seeing it there, taunting you for a week at 5 million gold and people screaming about limited time and it’s just to sell tokens, etc?
Then focus less on new players and more on the players that have played for 10 years or more that missed one bfa expansion. Giving them a shot at a cool mount doesn’t hurt you in anyway when they are given a chance to earn it themselves playing the game.