Bring back tier sets... but

That is homogenization. No class fantasy. Which people praised Legion for having an overabundance of this.

I try to keep my mind open. When I first heard of corruption gear, I was under the assumption they wanted to experiment and I encouraged this to see if they could salvage the new gear system.

They need to know when something has failed. Again the community is upset as there is a complete imbalance with pieces of gear and it shows on the charts. Which is heavily reliable on RNG. It is a broken system.

Personally myself, I don’t bother. I can’t be bothered. As there is no real reward and no incentive.

Now by having this mentality my chances of actually participating in higher end game content are slim to none. So that alienates me from engaging/playing with others. It is a broken system.

Azerite armor chased off a majority of players and seeing the numbers of people participating in island expeditions and just complaining about them confirms this. As this was the best way to gather AP. They couldn’t be bothered either and quit instead.

Me, grinding AP was never a priority. To participate in a point system that I will never use in future expansions. Or get some type of reward that would last me the rest of the time I play. (Which usually comes down to cosmetic. This is why I have been very vocal about cosmetics lately. Mounts, pets could be categorized in this also.)

I am not supportive of the uninspired, generic, homogenized looking gear that you have to hope the RNG Gods will give you BiS to even compete. I believe a lot of people are not happy with it either.

I don’t know if they will ever go back to Tier sets. I have been talking about it for a couple of months. While other people been focusing on the gameplay aspects of it and the awful grinding on all ends it has caused. I’ve been more upset with how people will not be inspired to recreate these sets and share it with everyone for many years to come. Again, T2 Paladin armor anyone? (I’ve always been a cosplay watcher) Also to actually want to participate in raids more often as it is an incentive.