Bring back the serenity choice node

Even if the ability is worse or even a dps loss to take. I’d rather have it as it’s more fun for me personally. I don’t want to play with sef nor this weird half baked serenity that isn’t serenity. I love serenity’s visuals and gameplay.


If you played in Shadowlands, the “weird half baked serenity that isn’t serenity” is just Weapons of Order. It is still not Serenity, but it is fully baked.

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I only played Mw as an alt for arena in shadowlands. The reason I called it a half baked serenity is because max and now others are referring to it as a mini serenity

It is a mini-Serenity in a similar sense. It’s just something they’ve had before and refined, so not as half baked as it was when first introduced in Shadowlands.

But like I get that WoO and SEF is cool to some. IMO serenity has better monk visuals, feels more fun (spamming the most damaging and best abilities is always fun), fits monks theme better, doesn’t get absolutely destroyed by CC (especially in PvP or with the fear in mists of tirna scythe coming back).

I just think serenity is a better more fun cooldown. Spamming RSK, FoF, and BK is way more fun than doing a regular rotation….

Generating in cooldowns is awful.

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