Bring Back the Dalaran Crater Portal

So, you’re bringing back the Caverns of Time Port. That’s great and all, but that’s not the most important port you removed. Dalaran Crater is. Why?

It is crucial to the Alliance’s access to the Northern Eastern Kingdoms.

Holiday events such as the Greench, Midsummer Fire Festival, Lunar Festival, etc. take place up there, and can be done as low as level 15. There are multiple questing zones up there in the mid 30s.

TLDR of the below; Although 120s have an Arathi Portal half of the time, there are MULTIPLE holiday quests, low level questing areas, etc. that require LOW LEVEL Alliance to need quick access to the Northern Eastern Kingdoms.

On top of this, Horde have MULTIPLE options for all 4 sections of both continents. The fact the Alliance have to rely on a time-locked option is unacceptable. Restore the Dalaran Crater Portal, as right now, the lack of this option is making ease of transportation extremely unbalanced in favor of the Horde.

However, as it stands, you require a very long flight path from Stormwind. Yes, 110+s can take a portal to Ironforge from Boralus (which would just cut like a minute off the flight time anyway) and 120s will half of the time have a portal to Arathi. That’s fine and dandy, but again, there are questing areas, and holiday events that take place up there from level 15 and on. This does absolutely nothing for them.

Taking the Deeprun Tram to Ironforge is longer than just flying from Stormwind. Taking the portal to Twilight takes longer than just flying from Stormwind as well, due to the location Alliance teleport into Twilight Highlands.

This results in about a 6-7 minute flight from Stormwind to most zones up there.

Comparatively, Horde can simply take the portal to Undercity. They need to get to Lower Eastern Kingdoms? No biggie. They have multiple options. They can take the Pet Battle Dungeon port to Westfall or Dun Morogh. They can take the Blasted Lands Portal. Hell, mages can even port to Swamp of Sorrows. Alliance is also covered on the lower Eastern Kingdoms thanks to Blasted Lands, Pet Battle Portals, and Stormwind.

As for Kalimdor? Horde have Orgrimmar, Hyjal, Uldum, the Pet Battle Port to Barrens and soon Caverns of Time. Alliance have Darnassus portals, Exodar Portals, Hyjal Portals, Uldum, the Pet Battle Portal to Barrens, and soon Caverns of Time. We’re also covered on Kalimdor.


Did they remove the portal from mages too?

Alliance shouldn’t have to rely on mages to reach half of a continent.

Should they remove all Undercity and Silvermoon Portals on the Horde side as well, so Horde must rely on Mages as well?

Or if you’d prefer an equal comparison, let’s remove the Blasted Lands/Hellfire Portals (and replace those with the Shattrath Portal) and Pet Battle Deadmines/Gnomer Ports JUST FOR HORDE, so that Horde must rely on Mages for the Swamp of Sorrows ports.

THIS ONLY AFFECTS ALLIANCE. Horde replying making snide remarks are not okay.


I’m just going to mention that the Horde can only use the Stranglethorn Vale zeppelin and the Blasted Lands Portal to get to the southern half of the Eastern Kingdoms.

But then you say stuff like this:

But then say this:

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Blasted Lands is in the Southern Part of Eastern Kingdoms, as I mention in the OP.

Pet Battle Portal to Deadmines. Pet Battle Portal to Dun Morogh.

The latter two can be taken at any level, account wide, provided you have access to Dazar’alor, which you can easily set your hearthstone to, at any level, by taking the boat from Echo Isles.

And a zeppelin is still better than nothing that Alliance has. Sure, you might have a 3 minute wait at the tower, but then poof, you’re at the destination. I’d gladly take an boat to Arathi from Stormwind after 3 a minute wait. Especially since you can get lucky and catch the boat as it’s arriving.

But please, feel free to ignore the 3 ports that exist for EVERY HORDE MEMBER in the OP, then pick and choose the mage port I mention.

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Gladly, all I was doing was just pointing out your hypocrisy.

Boralus Boat? No?

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No. I pointed out the 3 other ports they had. Then said they ALSO have a mage port if they so choose. (And yes, I’m well aware we have a mage port if we choose), but we shouldn’t be required to use it, nor should the Horde, but the Horde also have 3 alternatives available to everyone.

We do not.

Wait what? What mage port gets you to anywhere near there? The closest I can think of is porting to Boralus and hoping the Arathi port is active.

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Do you guys not get a portal to twilight highlands

Honestly I don’t remember. We can port to tol barad I think. But isn’t that an instanced PvP thing?

Wow. This thread got violent.
Maizou, just take a portal from Arathi/Twilight Highlands/Shattrath–>Quel’Danas. This isn’t worth being this angry about.

Mages can get a teleport spell to the crater by killing the Scarlet Library boss before he burns all the books. Then if they visit the magic shop in Northrend Dalaran they can also buy a portal spell to there.

Wait seriously? Huh. Gonna have to go get this. I had no idea. And here I was hoofing it like a pleb all this time. Wonder why they made this one so obfuscated.

Wasn’t being snide. I was seriously curious. I play both factions, but not a mage on either side.

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