Bring back the challenge mode sets through fated dungeons

Isn’t it though?

How would it not be exclusive if you could still get it and it was locked behind a hard challenge?

That and in hindsight the dungeons themselves were as other people have pointed out kind of a joke and nothing compared to what we have now.

Most people who don’t have it just didn’t play at that certain time god forbid.

What would you say to someone’s who an avid car collector and wants to purchase a brand new old school collectable from the 20s?

This applies to any collectable item that was limited edition.

I’m sure people that didn’t run them said that.

It’s disingenuous to downplay someone accomplishments to make an argument for why you should have them.


How are you still unable to grasp the concept of “limited time availability”?

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Because i always viewed it as a pretty cringe way to temporarily boost numbers and sales.

How many shop items have they said are “limited time” and then came back somewhere down the line.

But with them adding the aotc garrosh wolf to the trading post blizzard may not be as much on the fomo side as people like to believe they are.

They’re not doing that.


So… getting people to play current content is “cringe”? What kind of screwed up logic is that?


Last week they said they weren’t doing that…


lol rekt


It’s okay they stay removed. But how did they compromise? Legion lesser CM mogs? I laughed so hard when they introduced those lmao

Those were a joke.

Got to keep them mid 30 year old ego’s satisfied i guess.


I think recolors are a great option and I don’t know why Blizzard doesn’t do that.

Like, the MT guardian bear. They made it look better than the original but they didn’t do the same for the other classes.

It’s funny that you keep making fun of 30-year olds when you’re stomping your little feet demanding something you can’t have.

Only child?


I’m 100 million percent on board with this. I’d be happy with that. I went and looked up some of those sets and some of the recolors look better than the originals.

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You’re not winning yourself any points here, little z’er


Careful there Gen z. Wouldn’t want me to go on another rant that’s “too Hawd” for you to read through.

Perhaps GD ain’t the safest space for you to hang in.

Man bro is getting punished in his own topic! It feels so good defending Fomo sets and participating in this pro vs anti Fomo debates. Lets go team Fomo!

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I think this guy on a youtube video said it best.

from “Farmerjoseph8683”

players not wanting old stuff to return is just pride who cares its a video game kids

It’s evolving into a zoomer vs millennial thread

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