Bring back Strand of the ancients

You know what’s cool about 40 mans?

Not queue’ing for them because they’re segregated now.

I do my daily win for the bonus but that’s about it. Who wants to queue up to PvP and end up PvE’ing? :woman_shrugging:

That’s proof they wanted more 40 mans to give more variety than just AV/IoC. #bigbraintime

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They removed strand because it was uneven then introduced WG for variety? My brain must not be big enough.

Yes I never que for epic anymore. The exception is this week because of the quest.

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No, they removed Strand because the majority of players blacklisted it. You just fail to accept it because you enjoyed killing vehicles :woman_shrugging:

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Teach me how to grow my brain.

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So if the logic is, “they removed it because it was blacklisted” then how are they determining now what stays?

I don’t know if that’s the reason at all. If they cared about our opinions they would have kept blacklisting.

As erlir said though… They removed black list because it was being used by people to block bgs they saw as auto losses.

There was flaws with it and yeah people didn’t like it. Still enough people did like it. I loved it. A unique bg with different stages and strategies. Beats the hell out of the stupid azerite bg which is just a zerg fest.

I’d like it back with some tweaks. Hell of a lot better than the current ashran and wg too.


Yeah I’d like it back with some tweaks. That bg had a lot of flavor. I didnt know removing bgs was just a thing. They need to bring it back.

It was a gross bg and it’s a good thing it’s gone.

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Now if only we can ditch WG and turn Tol Barad into a 20 vs 20 instanced PvP zone.

But no really, it is a bittersweet situation because as a Horde we looked at SotA as almost a free win every time.

I never understood the ones who didn’t like it (other than just because they never win) but absolutely love AV. “We don’t like killing vehicles… but killing NPC’s, and long boring large group fights at some random choke point on the map… now that is where it’s at!”

I will admit it though, sure as Horde it was nice to win a SotA BG and all, but it would get old to not only win, but basically dominate it about 65% of the time… but when the Alliance would actually put up a good fight it was actually a lot of fun.

Definitely not the best BG, but at least it wasn’t the worst.

this priest is on something odd. there’s tons of people who enjoyed it, including me. they had a specific call to arms weekend for it and the ques were very active. if they really removed it because “no one” liked it then they wouldn’t have added wintergrasp in. they just thought we would enjoy that one better and we do not lol

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I miss it too. I loved the whole premise of it. How we took turns attacking and defending, the blowing of the gates. It was one of my favorite bgs. Why remove it? Make is so those who do like it can still play it and a way for those who don’t to blacklist it.

I fkn hated it. Don’t miss it at all.