Bring Back Status Text on Health Bar

Forcing players to hover the mouse over the Portrait Health Bar to get status is yet another much unneeded complexity to game play. Similar to forcing Hunters to use a
“3 click” process with a mouse to change tracking. Both designs are preventing smooth game flow by overusing the mouse and/or removing the “aura” or “spell” state of a process so that it cannot be used ‘on the fly’ by binding it. Both instances reflect an unconscious or misguided change that involves splitting your attention which is already pretty much involved in something else like combat. There are more cases of “forcing behavior” on players but they are mostly to preserve game direction and not implementing overburdensome mouse and/or attention splits that wreck the somewhat streamlined state of game play. Please consider keeping text on Health Bars without hovering and bring back Hunter Tracking as a spell so it can be key-bound


Just get the addon “RemovedInterfaceOptions” and enable it that way. Then guess what, you can disable the addon or remove the addon and you’ll still be able to see the text on your health bars.

You can achieve this they’re not forcing anything lol.

Open Interface and search for Status Text.
It may already be set to Both (which is a slight UI bug). Swap it to something else and then back to Both. Save it. (If you only want % or numbers then of course use those options instead)

Now you will no longer need to Hover to see the values.


Many Thanks - How that got changed will forever be a mystery

Turn the status text option off and back on, that worked for me.


Did this work for anyone with Outline Mode? It didn’t for me. But just wondering if I should go through the full UI reset and try that again.

Mine keeps getting reset when I do the plunderstorm. When I return to wow my status text is changed back to none, and rejoins me to the services chat, ugh.


It’s a bug that will probably get fixed soon.

I did this as well. I suspected it just needed to be switched off and on again. Stupid that it happened at all. But then we also have new bugs like the fact that all your chat channels get reset upon login.

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Seems there already is a thread on this in Bug Reports:

Oh my gosh. Thank you. I noticed last night that certain settings had been wiped after the update. I searched so hard to find this! This comment also showed me that there is a search function - did not know that!

People and their codependency to add ons is making the wow dev team more lazy. We shouldn’t have adds on and macros at all.

It’s the Plunderstorm that does it, it resets a lot of UI preferences

thankfully, PTR testing was deemed unnecessary for this super secret double probation patch.