Bring back spec fantasy

I liked Legion. It was basically the same as we have now with AP and legendaries and the borrowed power tied to that. But it also had the class halls which had quests specific to your class and spec. It had the mage tower, with a challenge specific to your spec. The borrowed power system was also spec specific.

The spec specific class quests made it feel like your character was part of the story. It felt like an RPG, where you choice of spec mattered

Everything since then has been more and more generic.


Yeah let me wield two shields and use Double lol slam

I know its petty but my class was given shadow word death. It does not work with attonement and hurts me if it does not kill.

Why would i use it?

But the torghast keeps trying to get me to.
I have no interest in the spell.
I wish my spec was designed for just my spec and not given things for all specs


I feel the opposite. Class identity is far more important to me than spec fantasy. SL is a step in the right direction to bring class fantasy back. Legion ability pruning went way too far.


And let us go 2h + shield like Yrel does.

They broke spec fantasy with these covenants. Now the covenant takes a much larger role in your characters identity. In fact they even said that they want these covenants to be “sub specs” of specs and that they wont do anymore class or spec content because thats a legion thing.

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Bring :clap: back :clap: class :clap: glyphs :clap:

Also cross spec talent trees, I wanna be able to use a polearm as BM and quite a few people seem to miss ranged SV…

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Just give DKs a gun

Maximum class flavor

Why would they do that when they need to plan on how to shoe horn in the next artifact/azerite/anima grind and make it make some form of sense.

Just make Demon Hunters like Spawn.

I miss when there was a blend of class and spec, like in MOP, when talent trees were class wide, I had an awesome frostfire build for my mage.

I do believe in spec identity too, but not when it makes me feel like I’m only playing 1/3 of a class (mages today lol)

Also don’t understand why they stopped building on class/spec abilities anymore, new spells were like new toys on Christmas


My favorite spec was deleted in Legion.

I honestly want them to stay far, far away from the ideas they used for Legion.

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Racial class glyphs that can be applied to a spec as a whole rather than individual spells and abilities would be awesome. Atleast it would be something we could apply and keep. The glyph system was really cool i dont know why they abandonned it. Theres so many graphic assets in the game that could be molded into glyphs and could bring back a nice piece of the lore fantasy elements. I love wow but its lost so much of the spice it once had. Everything feels so pigeon holed these days. I really hope they spice things up again soon. They have alot of strong competition now. New features they could add are litterally already being shown off in other games. Theyd just need to implement their own version. Id really love to see them break away from armor and weapon restrictions for classes like how elder scrolls have. It would be cool to have the freedom to wear and use what ever you wanted. To counter balance it they could have penalties for equiping gear not favoured by your class, but also have a sort of bonus for gear favoured by your race too. It would make things intersting and really mix up how people play. Thoughts? :slight_smile:


The good news is they’ve mentioned that they’re moving away from systems being the majority of content in 10.0, the question is whether they will STICK to said statement, like how they said SL would be the expansion for customization, when in reality we got the opposite. On one hand it’d be nice if they went back to glyphs as a renewable source of class and spec customizations without having to add new powers, on the other hand I don’t trust a word they say…


Really? Because class isn’t a part of the story in almost any way. It’s all about your covenant choice and class is secondary to that.

Disregard covenants. That’s xpac-specific and will effectively go away once the next xpac launches. They might matter in the moment, but they won’t matter long term. The class you choose will remain and be brought forward into whatever the next xpac is. It isn’t even so much about the story for me.

When I decided on my warrior, part of the appeal was that I could tank or dps but not heal. I needed to start at lvl 1. Spec was secondary to that - it determined what role I played, but it was still part of the same class. Specs can feel somewhat different from each other within the same class, sure, but they should still feel like they’re part of the same class. That character is a particular class, and it should feel like it’s part of the same class regardless of which spec it is in.

I choose my class for the fantasy of playing that class and the gameplay mechanics should reinforce that. Right now the covenant system is diluting that.


I agree. That’s one of the things about covenants that bothers me the most.

I honestly love being a Dread Sentinal.
It’s so much better than that discount Arms Warrior knock-off, or how most prefer to them as useless Warlock Food.

The thematic side would be cool if not made irrelevant in gameplay style changes and power potential of one covenant vs another covenant. If the themes stuck to the stories, lore, aesthetics and class spells while letting us grind all the stories and get all the abilities I would actually care. I cant find and care in the world for these covenants and the story anymore. If I only played for the role playing aspect it might be different but i cant get away from wanting to optimize and not hold my (raid or m+) team back for something silly like a covenant choice. In general its not fun to wait 2 weeks before trying out other covenant spells. I just hate the system entirely right now.

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