Bring back skyreach

There has never been a class change bad enough to make me post on the forums… until now. Ive been a monk main since MoP and have really enjoyed the versatility, mobility and all around smoothness of the class. But taking away skyreach has really hurt us. Roll had always been a good movement option but can often be clunky when an enemy is just too far or a little bit too close and the addition of this new “double jump” has not helped anything. Furthermore the “rushing reflexes” talent is utter trash and does next to nothing, especially as a capstone that shares a spot with “clash” which is actually a cool ability. I in my opinion the loss of skyreach has taken monk from being one of the smoothest melees in the game to one of the clunkiest and I would implore blizz to bring it back in some form or another or else see a massive drop in monk players.


i agree, blizz no more stinky changes. only good ones

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I think Skyreach would be good as a Class talent node with no damage component attached to it. Maybe a choice node with Lighter Than Air?

Add the effect to ‘Darting Hurricane’ since it’s already a pretty meh talent and it buffs TP and it matches the name well.

ALso feels like we aren’t getting as much CHI generation , unless it’s just something we have to re-learn, brain muscle pressing TOD twice still lmao… ugh