Yeah, I went there.
If we’re going to be bringing back limited time exclusives, let’s go right to the grand-daddy of them all. Let’s give everyone a chance to bang the gong, get the Scarab Lord title, and the Black Qiraji Battle Tank (which received an updated model long after it was made unavailable, no less)!
I had the scepter during my server’s event, but due to server issues and academic priorities, I missed my shot. In the years to come, I watched many people transfer away to new servers to ruin their gate event and greedily bang the gong before anyone could naturally finish the questline. We were assured that these players would be punished and their rewards taken away - they never were. All of us that refused to ruin the event for other people were essentially punished for our courtesy.
So let’s correct that misstep. And if we bring this one back, there’s no excuse against bringing everything else back as well. Gladiator mounts. MoP challenge mode sets. Final tier AotC mounts. The Black Harvest title. I’ll even share my WoD weapons and 36/36 Mage Tower appearances with everyone!
I’ll never speak out against my exclusives being shared if I get the one thing I feel I missed out on. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
So are you saying to reactivate the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj event?
![:scream: :scream:](
That would probably be Blizzard’s reaction. Its kind of funny if so, because only a very few people would get the title and mount because - as you probably know - its an extremely limited chance to be the one to ring the gong or complete the requirements prior to the end of the event on any server.
Why not?
I do wish that they had continued on with more Gates-like events. More community-driven content rather than personal ePeen growth is always a plus in my books.
I’ve always thought the Scarab Lord thing was kind of a poor design. A guild has 40+ people working hard for the sake of one sole person, with those folks who did all the grinding getting absolutely no recognition out of it…seems kind of a flawed system.
But yup, if Blizz brought back one exclusive thing (the MT appearances that so many here are clamoring for) they’d have to bring back literally everything else to be fair, including the scarab lord.
Should they do it? That’s the ultimate question.
Id like the orange core hound mount as well for finishing mc. I was there when it was the only raid but didn’t play in warlords.
Ion and the others that took advantage of the “bug” that allowed them to get their mounts/titles will never allow it to happen again.
We did this in Wrath where new servers opened up and people jumped ship to be the first on a shiny new server to do this. It was dumb then, and it’s dumb now!
I am not opposed to having another scarab title but something more dinky. Like Scarab Baron. We wouldn’t get a mount, we would get a tiny black Qiranji battle tank pet.
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Because the kind of cooperation required to do it, both on one faction and on both factions together, would be almost impossible nowadays. For example:
Both factions need to gather:
90,000 copper bars
26,000 Purple Lotus
80,000 Thick Leather
17,000 Spotted Yellowtail
400,000 Runecloth Bandage
And thats just the dual faction part of it. Imagine people fishing for 17,000 fish. Or collecting 26,000 Purple Lotus when, at most, there are 4 or 5 of them up at any one time.
Yeah, na…can’t see it being a thing. It worked in Classic on some servers but with the way retail is now, I really cant see there being enough players or interest to do it.
I mean, I wasn’t going to say it out loud…
Precisely. Let’s not pick and choose. If we’re going to renege on one, it follows that we must renege on all.
Let’s add all the challenging raiding titles while we’re at it. Undying. Chosen. And so on.
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Doesn’t need to be a copy/paste. Just more focus on goals other than the progression of the self.
What I’m hearing is we need more Scarab titles and mounts and not just the Lord and unique one.
I will fight you and every Scarab warrior for Scarab supremacy in the great Scarab War, where we all get in a pit and kill each other until only one remains, but the only entry fee requires you to gather absurd materials to engage in said murder pit.
At the very least, they could have given those of us that completed the questline up to Bang A Gong! a consolation title when they removed the quest and made it a FoS.
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Yknow what - as much as I would have loved to have participated and got that title and mount, I dont want it given to me now. That would remove all sense of awe in seeing someone in game with it. The day they start putting all those things back into the game just to appease those who missed out getting them is when WoW really starts digging at the bottom of the barrel to appease people.
It may be an unpopular opinion but I hate the idea of all individual charm and uniqueness being removed so its all sort of homogenized.
See, that’s actually fair.
If the rewards were worthwhile, the big servers definitely could. Low-pop ones might be kinda skrood though.
Exactly! It would only be fair to everyone.
Hells yeah. I can solo Naxx without dying. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
I’m still legit sad that I missed on the Chosen. Not out of lack of trying, my sister and I did attempt a few pugs toward the end of Legion, but we never could pull it off. But Legion was a great expansion and we came out with a bunch of nice things so it was no big deal.
I don’t necessarily disagree. But if this is the route of modern WoW… what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, so to speak.
Hm well…only way I’d agree to the old stuff coming back is if they did it like Herald of the Titans. With that you have to be a specific level and be wearing gear from the expansion that does not exceed a certain level. On top of that, strip all expansion-specific special abilities so you are just using your basic spells and attacks. While characters would still probably be stronger, at least there would be some work involved.
I can respect it. I would only advocate for an all or nothing deal. Have some exclusives, or have none at all. Whether having those time limited things in the game is something that can be debated.
I struggled through the mage tower in Legion, but pulled them off. I only earned three of the weapons, the mage ones, but that’s all I cared for. Even today I wear one of the frost mage MT colorings, and the weapon really ties the rest of my main’s transmog. I’m proud of that look I came up with, and I do like the fact that not every mage player can just up and copy that. In that small way I do stand out a little. If they made those weapons, my sole accomplishment, available to everyone, how would it be fair that I lose my sense of exclusivity and uniqueness, but the person who got a grove warden or did a MoP challenge mode gets to keep theirs?
YOLO I want to progress my Bloodguard title to High Warlord!!!
If everyone working on it got a mount and title they would do it.