Bring back resilience, seperate PvP and PvE gear

I see so many people riding on +15 mounts in bgs, one shotting people with ther 220+ PvE gear, people who just came to chill and pvp.

Bring back resilience, PvE shouldn’t affect PvP to this degree.

Even getting rating is done through PvE, I got bunch of high m+ gear then went into arena to get 1800 for PvP rating up. Why not have it be done all through PvP?


Or they could just design a system where gear doesn’t matter.


Prestige alone is not enough to keep the treadmill going for most people. I would not put having gear be a single “ilvl” stat beyond them, but it will never be removed.

This is just dumb.


Doesn’t work. People need something to work towards, power progression is important.
PvE power progression trumping people just trying to have fun in bgs after work or on weekend is not good, it isn’t fun.

I’m fine with getting beaten by a gladiator who earned his gear, but getting matched with bunch of unrated people with 220+ ilvl from mythic+ that can barely kill your 190 alt, because they are that bad, is just unfun.

Nice smooth brain you got there.

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Agreed. It would be nice if Blizzard brought back resilience for PvP gear. I also would like to see the PvP Power stat brought back as well. I recall back in the day you could buy PvP Power Gems for your gear.

For the two stats mentioned above, I only want to see them on PvP gear and not on PvE gear at all.


Why is it dumb?

If you are getting one shot, you didn’t have any gear to start with. I would worry about that first over the 220 people lol.

You pin a 225 rogue vs a 190 ilvl alt, that’s what’s gonna happen.

Now imagine how much fun casual playerbase has on bgs?
BGs used to be place you could queue to have fun and chill, pvp gear allowed this, then they replaced it with pvp scaling, but now, we have nothing but chaos.

What would be the point in gear if it dont matter?

For PvP it shouldnt matter period, PvE yes.

Lol in what world does that make sense? Let’s also make level not matter. You wanna play fortnite go nuts. This is a MMO. You do know that right?

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Guild Wars 2 did it without a problem. Not saying wow should be gw2, but common sense shows that gear not mattering is healthy for the game.

If you want a fair match stop rigging it with gear and let skill instead of armor determine who wins.

GWs >wow. You enjoy that kinda game go play it. Say skill only. Well you shouldn’t struggle with people who have gear if you have skill. If you don’t have skill or gear, that sounds like you just want a give me a free win mode. MMOs you build up your character to be stronger than the content and people around you.

See that garbage attitude was uncalled for, maybe you should grow up and learn to stop being an angry whiny kid.

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Crazy theory: Maybe it’s not just the gear, but maybe it’s that people who are focused, and know how to play their character, are going to perform better in general than people who “just came to chill”?

Incorrect. The users don’t understand stat balance and how to build to their own play style, but WoW hasn’t been the best at teaching their ever changing systems.

I agree that my BiS trinks are PvP when I only PvE. If I wanted to PvP, I’d pick a game that has a team deathmatch function. Game devs are clueless.

You act like the internet has feelings for you. Get over it. Don’t like how this game works go play another one. Quit crying for handouts or dummy modes for this game.

I prefer the way it is now. I don’t want them to separate PvE/PvP gear and I like being able to do both to progress my character’s gear.