Bring back Plunderstorm

Please bring back Plunderstorm as a permanent mode. Me and my buddy would game it when we wanted casual pvp to step away from the arena, it was such a blast. We are much sad it’s gone :frowning:


Yes!!! Please bring it back ASAP!!! You guys struck gold with that one and it should be expanded on immediately!!! This is a DOTA becomes LOL moment!!

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I would be surprised if they never bring it back tbh.
Seems like an easy thing they can just rotate back in to fill content droughts and just give it a couple new rewards / maps / abilities whenever it shows up.

leave and go play fornite then.

wow is a mmorpg, not a looter shooter.

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Your first post ever, and you decide it is dedicated to such a fail mode.


I want it back too but with a different theme and map to mix it up.

Nor was plunderstorm so I fail to see your point here.

they already have plunderstorm trading post stuff datamined for the future, it is definitely coming back soon!

Would you want there to be anything added to plunder storm?

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