Bring Back Personal Loot for LFR Only

Right. So just as the title says, I am going to go into detail about a recent experience I just had in LFR.

Recently, I came back to retail after a very long hiatus (mostly playing SoD, which I love!) and started to toy around with the current awakened content. Since I had missed out on getting some tier appearances from my priest set, I decided to set foot into the Awakened LFR this week.

Everyone and their mother rolled need on everything even though they had higher level that what was equipped. If there was a need button, everyone who could roll, rolled. I know I am not entitled to any loot at all just for being there but it really is a very, -very- bad feeling to see this type of behavior. Even more so if RNG is not on your side and you get absolutely nothing - which was the case for me this week.

I know there is not really a difference when you see loot going to other people and you get nothing with personal loot but there is a bit of a mental stigma that goes on when you visually see the rolls. Could be me I guess but it feels awful. I know it’s all rng based in the end and again, I am not entitled to loot, but just seeing how it all plays out is demoralizing, especially when you roll a 90+ and still lose the roll.

Then you add the fact people are needing on stuff for other people on top of it. I get it but it just doesn’t feel good at all. I suppose out of sight, out of mind?

Just my two copper I suppose.


As one of the players that thrives to collect. Having the option to see all loot available, message any winners and buy said item(s).
Being able to win as many items as I can learn in one run, is fantastic.

Personal loot is a hard step down.

Some days that stretch into a week, you win nothing.
Other days you personally win 2-4 items.
Part of the fun.

Of course if you go into any run expecting loot. Really thinking youll get something everytime. Thats harder to cope long term when it happens repetitively.

I disagree. By theoretical standards, personal loot and and the amount of loot dropping which is rolled on are the same. One is more visually transparent and adds an interaction factor into it. Said interactions (via rolling) can be more detrimental to one’s morale versus seeing people loot stuff off a boss. Let’s be real, no one is going to press greed on anything in LFR and personally it feels awful.

It’s a psychological thing when it comes down to it.

You can still do that with personal loot. It just requires you to pay more attention to your chat box. That’s all.

The only real difference between personal loot and rolling like how it is now is that the person cannot trade a piece of gear (if I recall correctly that is) if they are wearing a lesser ilvl piece of gear and it’s considered an upgrade for them. If people are trying to gear their buddies, they still have that extra chance with them being in the raid and of the same armor type.


I understand this is a mixed bag. These absolutes that you see, can be fallacys to me.
I personally don’t agree there is any enjoyment with just getting loot 1/4 of the time with personal loot.

If you want to say that a players morale is such in high affect when they don’t win an item because, lets say they roll a 98 and lost. I would counter with believing that’s a lot of entertainment. If my hopes can be up, and then dashed within 15 seconds. I’d say that’s healthy.

I know if I had the option for myself. I would probably never go back to personal loot.

It also doesn’t help when you have people like a ret paladin needing on a shield. This actually just happened to me this week. The roll system is based upon a need or greed system but it’s practically pointless in having this system if everyone is going to roll need regardless of what they have already even if they are downgrades.


I run a lot of LFR and could not agree more with this post. I see constant complaints about the current loot system, and it breeds animosity toward everyone else in the group. This expac’s raids are so much fun, but the loot system takes away from that when people are spending their time angry that the AFK fellow won BIS.


LFR has become some of the rarest tmog in Dragonflight because of this - aided by the fact that catalyzing gear into raid equivalent only unlocks the transmog going up tiers and not backwards. This makes sniping gear in LFR even if you’re higher level the -only- way to viably get transmog gear you may want.

Personal loot could be avoided here by:

  • Allowing players who catalyze gear to unlock transmogs from lower tiers, or allowing free catalyst charges for gear below your item level.
  • Not allowing need rolls for gear in LFR if the user has a higher item level. While higher ilvl players could still snipe trinkets in LFR, I think that’s fine because trinket scaling isn’t really perfectly aligned around ilvl anyways.
  • [Hot take inc. sorry] Remove LFR → make normal a little easier, make it open queue. Have three raid tiers “Normal”, “Heroic”, “Mythic” - clarifying the game a little, make normal the same as normal dungeons - no lockout, openly playable, weakest gear. Perfect for people to practice the fights over and over, who cares if they get “too much” of the low-ilvl loot from it. Raid lockouts for low tiers are a relic of the past that made sense then but doesn’t make sense now given the massive gap between normal raid gear & M+, Delves, or other Raids.