Blizz, you messed up big time with the new Mythic progression. Bring back the old system! These Mythic 0 dungeons that feel like the old Mythic 10 are driving away new, less experienced, and even mid-tier tanks. There’s already a massive tank shortage, and it’s only getting worse.
Yeah, the old system made Mythic 1-10 somewhat irrelevant, but it gave newer or less skilled tanks a place to start and learn at their own pace. I know people should be learning in normals and heroics, but let’s be real, no one takes those seriously. So, it doesn’t matter if that’s where they’re supposed to learn if they’re not actually doing it. People want to do Mythics, and that’s not going to change.
The problem is you’ve effectively skill-capped a huge chunk of potential tanks out of Mythics. Every expansion, the requirements creep up just a bit more, and now you’re alienating a lot of players who could’ve filled those tanking roles.
Last expansion, we had tanks to pick from. This time around, good luck even finding one, and if you do, you’ll take whatever you can get.
The expansion has been great overall and feels solid, but if this is what trying to run Mythics is like, a lot of people, myself included, are going to be out real soon
They’ve eliminated an entire bracket of mythic+ and gave us better gear from heroic dungeons. Thing is heroic dungeons have been nerfed now too with valor drops and you can get better gear from doing world content/delves. So that leaves m0’s which are frankly too hard for a lot of people including myself.
They need to tone down m0’s to open it up for everyone
yeah it was better with real mythic 1-10 that would let the tanks actually learn but feel like they were accomplishing mythics–now we have to tanks because the entry to mythic is to high for them.
Sure the mythic system is fine for people that tanked 10’s in dragonflight but what about new tanks and the people that couldnt…now we stuck with a low tank population and its a huge problem that no one seems to care about
Not to my guild. That was our key bracket that they deleted.
I guess Blizz decided we’re relegated to Delves only now.
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The change made mythic 0’s more rewarding without making them all that much harder. Sure the mobs are tougher but you don’t have to deal with all the systems a normal mythic+ does and you get a huge ilvl bump from the old version. Plus you can now run them every day, instead of every week.
yeah there is that too…they eliminated the beginner to intermediate and now start in the higher and alienate a chunk of the player base. But my real problem is the people from that range that would normally improve and move up to the next level–harder to get tank now…its right into the fire for them
I didnt do any m0s and im almost at 600ilvl
The change to the mythic system from DF to this was a massive mistake and I and many people who have been doing mythics for a long time were calling it out the moment they announced it.
They did not need to do this squish, and no one wanted this squish, it was a bad change. Now with the addition of delves they are gonna end up gutting the lower level m+ bracket very quickly.
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I can’t speak for mythic+ because I haven’t done any but Mythic didn’t seem so bad. I do the opposite. I start my own groups and invite casuals not try hards. I inform them upfront that this will be a slow chill run pull 1-2 packs run. There will be deaths because of so many 1 shot mechanics but we will prevail.
Basically nobody knew how to do siege of bor so we learned it together. Took 45 mins and a few deaths but it was completed.
I think the thing is to start your own groups and inform players who join of the group goal. Try hards will leave fast and you’ll get people who are generally nicer to play with
Those keys didn’t teach people anything, all they were used for was to farm welfare epics.
listen yes that is ideal but people dont and the result shows in how few tanks we have now. Now we are sitting for 20 minutes waiting for a tank unless I only join groups that already have a tank and those are few and far inbetween.
Blizz had a robust mythic plus community in Dragonflight and they have effectively killed it. The squish worked in season 4 of dragonflight because the community was already dwindled and the stats they used cant be trusted because all thats left in season 4 are the hardcore players that never take a break.
They have a really good XPAC potentially the best but delves and Mythic+ have been dog poo. even worse is its not even talked about
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Did you ever think that players are just doing other content? I think they changed it to push people into other forms of endgame instead of just grinding M+.
WoW the last 3 expansions basically became a M+ simulator.
I’m glad the keys are harder, you gotta work for gear now, and actually learn the dungeons instead of facerolling them through low keys
BTW, those lower keys didn’t teach anyone mechanics, because I healed a lot of them, most of the players in those keys were being carried by the tank and healer.
that makes zero logical sense. If you are a new tank learning, then a mythic 3 from season 1 dragonflight is easier to learn mechanics and under less pressure than a mythic 0 tww.
you cant argue that its not true.
and what is this work for gear BS…you get the gear that the level you run gives you. I dont sit and go boy look at all the great gear those people running under 10’s have or their lower vault gear. let them have it or are you mad because they have the same weapon but low ILvl lol.
and the main Point is we have no tanks looking for mythic groups…zero choice and we have to wait and take anyone that applies now
by the way this doesnt effect me at all except for the tank shortage that affect everyone. mark my word if you dont see a fix you will see the lowest played mythic+ season every…we already off to the start
Based on what?
M0 are untimed dungeons that will actually teach players things. It’s fine how it is.
A smaller jump would be good though, so buffing heroic dungeons should be a thing.
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M0 is the perfect place to learn M+. There is no timer and you can actually learn the mechanics.
The reason why no one is tanking them, is that the player base in pugging is just extremely toxic. I stopped pug tanking because most the DPS can’t dps, don’t interrupt and they would pull for me. It is a miserable experience for tanks.
Blame the player base here, this is not a Blizzard issue at all. I think Blizzard saw that most players were just middling in these low keys and never pushing into harder content.
Your take on this is very typical of a player that is focused on just loot. You got used to grinding 5 mans for super easy loot, and now you have to work for it your upset.
Edit: The solution here is to start tanking instead of trying to put blame on others.
hey buddy im doing mythics+ just fine the squish doesnt concern me. you are arguing and you profile shows no mytic+ so why are u even arguing. You clearly dont care about the content
Yet here you are complaining about it on the forums.
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you make zero sense …you dont do mythics… is your brain broken. Somewhere along the line you forgot what logic is.
when youve done mythic+ maybe you can talk but as far as I know you couldnt do a mythic plus if I carried you kicking and screaming through it and you profile proves it
I’ve been tanking M0s, and I see why people don’t want to step up into keys. I’m trying to explain to you why there are no tanks, but you are too fixated on trying to bring back the old key system because it allowed LFR heroes like you to farm easy gear.
Edit: I don’t get why you are whining here if you aren’t having issues doing M+. It sounds like you are worried that M+ is getting the participation you expect.
youre right you go back to mining ore. This conversation was for people that actually do the content in question