Bring back Moonkin Form!

Please Blizzard, Bring back Moonkin Form for all those who preferred or enjoyed it.

It did so much in all aspects. For PvE and PvP, particularly for me it made Resto complete, being a caster off dps as Resto now is the most dull thing ever. Kittyweavers kept their fun visually pleasing style but you literally removed everything I loved about Resto.

I got hit hard, we lost Adaptive Swarm but losing Moonkin Form is what really got to me the most. Why take away enjoyment?, why ruin class fantasy and a visually awesome playstyle.

Let Resto please get back Moonkin Form, the community is asking for it, you added all these new customisations for what? Please I’m begging you bring it back.

Let me Owlweave if I choose too once again.

Bring back Adaptive Swarm!!!

I want it on Boomie too not just resto. Get rid of stellar flare for it. In ten years no one has specced stellar flare willingly.