Bring back Mage Tower appearances so my friends will play again

Sorry, just jumped onto your post. :upside_down_face:

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I want them back as well but if that’s the sole reason your friends are going to return or quit then this doesn’t sound like the game for them anyway.

Like what happens if they brought them back? Your friend gets them and then… quits again?


I feel like those players accomplishments are none of my business. Bring back discontinued cosmetics plz


My relatives have this problem as well. It’s a more underlying one which boils down to “low quality transmogs”. Either the textures look cheap, the item is unavailable or too hard to get.

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Fair enough. The mage tower weapons are some of the best in the game but all the other legion appearances are still obtainable in addition to a massive amount of weapons from other xpacs. There is still a ton of really good looking stuff out there.

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Yes. But most of those items don’t fit regular sets you wear. I just tried to find a suitable stuff for my mistweaver panda monk before from one of the MoP raids - and look there, the most suitable weapons are artifact weapons.

Looking through the regular weapons from the expansion is either total hits or misses with nothing in-between.

Yeah but surely the other mistweaver appearances can fit your mog right? Like the mage tower one is cool but the other ones are just as awesome with the same color schemes.

You can go back and get 99% of this game whenever you want. It’s okay that there’s trophies for people who like to chase down time sensitive content. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s bad design.


It depends. The one which goes with the blue magic coloration (instead the Jade green) has only a few staves available, one being a derpy staff with a big blue water ball on it. At the moment I’m using a regular vendor/green staff because nothing else suits it otherwise.

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I think the issue as a new player is more along the lines of “oh, So they just remove cool stuff from the game like that? Do they have a history of doing this? Oh, wait, it’s common? Yeah no thanks, it looks like they don’t care and I won’t waste my time”.

I’ve had the displeasure of trying to RAF family members and having to explain that some of the things they read about and wanted weren’t obtainable anymore. So I ended up RAF’ing myself as a result.


The ultimate low effort argument is to say your friend quit or will quit. Only when someone lacks both a solid argument and the will to make a stand themselves do you see people make up imaginary friends to try to create weight/leverage they don’t have.

You’ve basically already lost when you stoop to that level.

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I definitely get what you’re saying but I think it only applies to a very particular type of player.

Most people I know only care if the game is fun or not. If they’re having a good time playing then they’ll stay subbed. Sure it’s a disappointment if they want a mog that’s no longer obtainable but it’s not a deal breaker and there will always be new stuff in the future.

What is so unthinkable of this argument? I know also people who stopped playing because the game either asks too much from you or because it’s unavailable. I also know family members and friends who simply given up to discover older expansions because they realized things are missing or too hard to get.

At some point it backfires if the game takes too much away. Artifact weapons was a big no-no and we’re seeing these topics always coming back because it was a mistake. When do those topics start to vanish? When people become satisfied. Cue to the High Elf topic the past five years.

The gatekeeping has to stop, it’s a game with no actual value but entertainment. Like I said it before, we own nothing in it. And I don’t think the right answer here is to say “if you want x, then play on a private server or wait for the return of classic server in the future” because this is contra-productive.


Collectors mainly. I’m one of those myself and try to stay occupied with other things, but I think the issue is more abrasive with new players who also want to collect than vets like us who got used to it (but still want it to change ;))

My biggest question when contemplating whether to start FF14 was “do they remove things from the game on a constant basis as well?” The answer is “yes, BUT they bring most of those things back or put them on the shop”, which was good enough for me. Having gone through that, I understand why my family felt the way they did when it came to WoW.

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Your friends likely wouldn’t start playing just because they added a weapon appearance, and if they did, they’d likely leave again soon after for another fickle reason. They weren’t going to play long-term if just not having a mog makes them leave.


Yeah it’s definitely unfortunate for new players to see something very cool and then find out they can’t get it but I’ve always said that the biggest issue with the MT appearances was not that they removed them but that they haven’t really added anything of similar quality since then.

If each xpac offered really incredible weapon models then I don’t think people would be as upset.

It’s possible, but removal of items will still leave a bad taste in people’s mouth.

I’m not really sure where Blizz intends on going in the future. It was interesting that they posted the reasoning that they didn’t want to diminish player efforts, but in the same event put an unobtainable PvP Elite bow on the timewalking vendor. :man_shrugging:


Wait whatttt. What bow?

Same exact model and color with only a different name.


That is wild. Kinda crazy they did that