Bring back Mage Tower and Legion looks

Everyone I ask about it wants the content back and does not care about others having the looks.


Nah, let’s not.


Is the Mage Tower fun? Can you do it with friends? If so, I’m in! I had to unsub for a great deal of Legion so I missed it.

No, you snoozed you lost. Exclusive things should remain exclusive.


No thank you. That event was a once in a lifetime event, if you weren’t around or didn’t play, then that sucks, but you missed out.


It was fun, but it wasn’t group content. It was a very difficult boss challenge you did alone.

I doubt they’ll ever bring it back. Every expansion has some exclusive things that don’t return.


My least favorite thing about this game is Blizzard’s obsession with removing content. It’s stupid and just feels bad, and they don’t just do it with cosmetic stuff - removing entire chunks of quest story! Makes no sense.

I don’t care if other people get this or that skin later or when it’s current.

So yes, I would love to be able to obtain Mage Tower skins again. And the WoD/MoP challenge mode stuff…


No, just get the next exclusive thing that comes and be happy you got it.

There is no reason to bring stuff back just because someone didn’t play or didn’t take the time to get it when they should have.


I’m not really opposed to it, but if it ever came back I’d want it to remain a challenge and not have it be super easy due to overleveling.

That said as someone that’s been around for awhile… I do like having unique items/mounts/titles and mogs that are no longer obtainable. Making it always available removes a lot of why these things are so cool for people.

I hear where you’re coming from, but I still think they will be cool even if other people have them. For example, Ashes of Al’ar is still one of the coolest mounts in the game and 1 in 4 people have it! Yes, it was probably more surprising to see someone on it back in TBC, but I still appreciate the mount and the people who went through the effort to get it.

Maybe they could make it so the Mage Tower wouldn’t be a guaranteed drop - like Legacy raids.


As much as I loved the mage tower- no. They were limited time for a reason. Think of it like PVP mounts. And this is coming from someone that sadly never got the druid skins.

Although I would love for it to come back with new unique styles. Maybe not the page tower again, but a new single player challenge like the mage tower would be amazing. I feel like visions were supposed to be like the mage tower but it just wasn’t the same. I’m really hoping Shadowlands has something closer to the mage tower.


I’ll never understand why people put so much value in keeping things from others. I’ve got a lot of exclusive stuff myself, but it wouldn’t bug me one tiny bit if others were able to get those things later. It won’t change the memories attached to those items or how much I enjoy them.

And removing content from the game - stuff for people to work on and complete - is just really, really bad.


You can get back at people that have it OP. when the trial of style starts anybody that has a mage tower MOG just vote them down.



Sure, bring them back and their accompanying quests.

But don’t allow them to rewards the artifact skins.

Its 100% ok for some things to be an exclusive reward for time spent.


Maybe, but that’s really not what I’m referring to. Raid mount drops are farmable and I enjoy doing that as well.

But what about CM Pandaria rewards? The Pandaren Pheonix is cooler to me than Ashes, Ji-Kun, Azure Drake, etc because it took a ton of effort to obtain and was only available for that expansion. It’s proof I was there at the time, I busted by rear and I will always have that reward that only a few people in-game have.

I still use my Hand of A’dal title because it’s proof of my accomplishments in TBC raiding.

Yes, it’s interesting to see the title and it’d still be fun to have the mount… but they’d be far less valuable if anyone could just go get it whenever. The Mage Tower rewards were proof of your ability, in Legion, to complete a scenario that really pushed the player and their master of the spec for that time. Deciding to reopen it would inherently lessen the value, and turning it into something you farm for(like the raid drop mounts) also lessens that value.


It’s not about keeping things from others, it’s about setting a goal and completing a challenge then being rewarded for it. It took people hundreds of attempts to do the mage tower. What would be the point of doing it if you know you can just come back in a couple months and beat the encounter by casting 1 spell?


Theres nothing wrong with timed rewards. If someone does the content while it’s relevant, what’s wrong with giving them a cosmetic bonus?

Everyone had ample time to do it, and by the last stretch it was super easy due to Antorus gear and buyable legendaries.

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No, not Blizz’s fault you were too lazy or not here to do them.

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Every time I’ve seen someone request the Mage Tower return, it’s NEVER involved wanting to one-shot everything. I think it goes without saying that the challenge would be preserved by scaling the player down/scaling the instance up to whatever is necessary.