Bring back mage armors

no dont put it on our shields make it a buff or perma passive and make frost armor give armor again


Yea I don’t feel like a mage without mage armors or dampen magic. Lol.


We also need frost armor to slow attack speed, we’re punching bags for 100% of the meele players without it.


100% agreed

Those spec barriers we got in Legion were 100% nerfs. All specs had Ice Barrier before hand (stronger than Arcane/Fire), and had Armors passively up all the time. Then they took it away, tied our passives to weaker barriers.

The worst nerf Mages have ever received as a class in this game’s full history, let’s be real. Screw Legion for that one.

But at least they’re “prettier”, I guess that’s all retail players care about.

Giant necro but more armor would surely be welcome.

Theres too many dispels in the game alter time gets insta dispell BRING BACK ARMORS

Nah. That was Mists of Pandaria when they nerfed all mage damage and forced us to pick up Rune of Power or Invocation.

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MoP also gutted Fire so substantially it’s just unreal. Fire might be at the top of DPS for Cata-Classic but these are late DS buffs so the MoP nerfs weren’t even justified, and they’re more than just DPS.

There is a whole list of mechanical changes that really ruin Fire when it was finally in the perfect spot for just one expansion. I’ll never forgive MoP for it.

I loved MoP, but it did some weird and awful things with class design and balance.