(Disclaimer: I posted this on Reddit /r/WoWRoleplay)
Hey guys.
I returned to WoW!
I always loved Dragons since Warcraft 3, back in the early 2000s. I always thought that I would love to be a Dragon someday. And when they implemented Vial of the Sands, I rushed to get mine. Unfortunately, the idea never left the paper.
Now, as a returned player, more experienced, with more English skills (English is’nt my mother tongue but I am figuring out lol) and more friends I ask you this:
Why Dragon Roleplaying, even when it’s done right, it’s frowned upon?
With all the respect for Worgens and Death Knights, I presume that when you read a TRP profile which says ‘Dragon’ as a race you think of the Cataclysm / Wrath of Lich King era, with Packs running free through Stormwind and edgylords making cults and rites.
I did my research for hours. I am on my exams year but I did put some heart into it. It CAN be done, if properly right. Preferably by a +18 player.
Not being a demigod immortal persona, a Dragon can flavour the RP scene. In the case, I’m based on Moon Guard.
What can be done, in my opinion, to flavour the Dragon RP?
Vial of the Sands / Legendary Staff of the Mage is a must
Be low profile. And I mean, a lot of low profile.
Have a group of friends / guild that accept your RP
Find a mission that is important for you and your aspect. I read some commentaries in my research such as "a Blue Dragonflight Agent investigating overabuse of mana in the Mage District, a Green Aspect Dragonflight helping x or y thing to restore the balance, etc.
Finally, don’t tell anyone that you are a Dragon. (But you will ask me, what is the purpose of being a Dragon if you shouldn’t tell anyone?)
The answer is simple: first, Dragons are awesome. Secondly, it can create some diversity in the scene and be the central point of a long campaign / event.
Examples of lesser Dragons in WoW lore includes Darkblaze. For example, his mission was to rally the orc clans to undertake Stormwind. So, a life quest is very important here. You need something, and something greater (being Good or Evil), to be a Dragon.
Mortal races preferably the ones that were presented before - High Elves, Blood Elves and Humans.
Sorry for anything grammatically incorrect, my English, as I said, it’s my second language.
What do you think guys?