Bring Back Dragon Roleplay, please. It can be done right!

(Disclaimer: I posted this on Reddit /r/WoWRoleplay)

Hey guys.

I returned to WoW!
I always loved Dragons since Warcraft 3, back in the early 2000s. I always thought that I would love to be a Dragon someday. And when they implemented Vial of the Sands, I rushed to get mine. Unfortunately, the idea never left the paper.

Now, as a returned player, more experienced, with more English skills (English is’nt my mother tongue but I am figuring out lol) and more friends I ask you this:

Why Dragon Roleplaying, even when it’s done right, it’s frowned upon?

With all the respect for Worgens and Death Knights, I presume that when you read a TRP profile which says ‘Dragon’ as a race you think of the Cataclysm / Wrath of Lich King era, with Packs running free through Stormwind and edgylords making cults and rites.

I did my research for hours. I am on my exams year but I did put some heart into it. It CAN be done, if properly right. Preferably by a +18 player.

Not being a demigod immortal persona, a Dragon can flavour the RP scene. In the case, I’m based on Moon Guard.

What can be done, in my opinion, to flavour the Dragon RP?

  • Vial of the Sands / Legendary Staff of the Mage is a must

  • Be low profile. And I mean, a lot of low profile.

  • Have a group of friends / guild that accept your RP

  • Find a mission that is important for you and your aspect. I read some commentaries in my research such as "a Blue Dragonflight Agent investigating overabuse of mana in the Mage District, a Green Aspect Dragonflight helping x or y thing to restore the balance, etc.

  • Finally, don’t tell anyone that you are a Dragon. (But you will ask me, what is the purpose of being a Dragon if you shouldn’t tell anyone?)

The answer is simple: first, Dragons are awesome. Secondly, it can create some diversity in the scene and be the central point of a long campaign / event.

  • Examples of lesser Dragons in WoW lore includes Darkblaze. For example, his mission was to rally the orc clans to undertake Stormwind. So, a life quest is very important here. You need something, and something greater (being Good or Evil), to be a Dragon.

  • Mortal races preferably the ones that were presented before - High Elves, Blood Elves and Humans.

Sorry for anything grammatically incorrect, my English, as I said, it’s my second language.

What do you think guys?


The worst thing a dragon rper can do is show other people or explain to others that they’re a dragon. I think the best dragon rpers are ones that can drop subtle hints along the way without ever giving it away that they’re hideous lizards. (Like politicians)

Naming your blood elf or void elf somethingstraza and expecting people to take you seriously when you grow claws and horns, use time magic freely to avoid/succeed at every conflict you come across and other garbage in a city of mortals is the reason most people just pass on dragon rpers these days.


The stigma towards dragon RPers is that they RP the fact that they’re dragon before they RP the character.
I’ve RPed with dragon characters before, and so far they vast majority have been roughly the same, “Hey, stranger, don’t tell anyone, but I’m a dragon. See? Cool, huh? So please keep it between us.”

The good ones are, yes, far more conservative when it comes to them being a dragon.


No one is stopping you… It’s your 15 per month.

Well, I went ahead and created one.

I keep my old dragonscalde armor sets for when dragon rpers show up.

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That Dragon roleplay is best left to the RP board.

Self glorifying power fantasy posts like these are why I put Dragon RPers and folks who go to simmilar lenghts of “Look Ma! I’m special!” on my ignore list.

All of that “lore” you put to support your position is nothing but your own headcannon with absolutely no basis in the game’s actual lore. If even a tiny percentage of that were true, why the heck would would a master spellcaster like Kel-Thuzad study necromancy and plan to become a lich to the point of even arranging the death of his mortal body?

Perhaps what people tire of is the “You are just mere ants beneath me” viewpoint even from a nonmalevolent stance.

Somebody with experience RPing dragon (and legit intention to RP as such), has written quite complete guide.

I’ll just just link it here for people interested in it :

Much more useful and on-point than my post, which is actually wild guess tidbit list from somebody being misunderstood as being a dragon. I’ll delete it, later.

To be fair… even Dragons sometimes have problems with Dragon roleplay.