Bring Back Corrupted Ashbringer / old Lv. 60 Nax Xmog!

The tier 3 sets were quest completions at Light’s Hope Chapel. They will do restoration.

They’ve said no 7 times. I counted em. Like I said, It’s cool. I’m not gonna play lock (or the game for that matter) anytime soon. :slight_smile:

Six tanks. If you ran eight you couldn’t make the soft enrage due to healer mana.

Only issue is unless you actively farm gold in someway you won’t have enough. The majority would never see the items in their life, including things like a pair of boots.

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Nah. They should leave’em in the past.


Tier sets are available.

They shouldn’t touch OG corrupted ashbringer with a 100 foot pole.

Those who have it, have it. I don’t care if they bring back old quest items like the south sea bucket helm and the plate coif. But the corrupted ashbringer and titles like scarab lord are relics of ages past, and a nod to those who ran that content.


you can get these items for relatively cheap on ded servers and medium servers, for like 100k or less sometimes, sometimes yea, millions, like it cost me 5 mil+ to get full dreadnaught in legion, it cost someone only 2 mil this xpac to get it for their toon, it just depends.

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They are bringing it back.

Play Classic.


Good luck every getting into Nax, even with the release of classic. There is a very solid reason only 1% ever made it into Lv. 60 Nax, and even fewer even downed a single boss! That’s not going to change by much!


Why? Raids back then compared to now are far easier.

I didn’t play during vanilla so take that into consideration, but…

…presumably Classic will stay “time-locked” for quite some…time…thus, there may be plenty of time to cultivate a solid Naxx raid team.

I would jump back on my Priest in a heartbeat if i could get that beautiful tier set from OG Naxx.


I may like naxx, but i am not a huge fan of ashbringer, corrupted or not.

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It’d be cool to have the corrupted ashbringer as a DK, jus sayin…


The amount of time you have to put into getting the gear you need to defeat a nax boss is insane, the amount of time that raids will require to even beat most of the bosses is insane as well. Unless they detuned Nax, I highly doubt many guilds will even get past the first boss. Idk if it will be like the same, but I’m pretty darned sure it’s going to be very difficult,

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I doubt it. Unless they don’t allow addons then it’s not going to be that hard. And in terms of getting the gear we have all the information that we need in what’s going to be pre BiS since Wowhead is a thing. And we also have tons of information on what each boss is going to do seeing that we have access to tons of videos and class guides on what’s going to be optimal. To top it off boss mechanics weren’t nearly as complex as what we have today.

It was difficult for its time. Now? Not so much.


There we addons back then, there we guides back then, videos, etc. I used to watch the raiders raid the bosses, it was one of my guilty pleasures. But yea, you’ll see bro! You’ll be in for a very rude awakening, unless they detune nax.

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Again I doubt it that any boss is going to be as complex or as difficult as the current and previous expansion bosses on Mythic difficulty.

Also remember. The breed of player is much better than they were in Vanilla. In Vanilla everyone was confused as to what they were doing. Even with guides.


ok, thats true, i do agree that people have gotten better, i do however just don’t agree that nax will be a breeze, i think it’s going to be very challenging, but we’ll see, if its not the case, i’m going to go running into nax! I just have uttermost respect for nax, because it to me was my favorite raid to watch haha, and KT wiped everyone clean, and the xmog was so cool. So I would be a little sad if it becomes super easy, but eh, we will see man