Bring back cloning!

Its all good I would just ignore them they are obviously insecure, and keep asking for blizzard to “Bring back cloning!”

Comeon blizzard :slight_smile: you know you want to haha, and we want our characters back.

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Holding me accountable for what. You think you’re on some sort of mission. We’re here to ask for our stuff back and you don’t like it. Youre taking it personally and it has nothing to do with you, thats pretty insecure.

Sucks for you that you cant ignore us, but we appreciate tour bump lol.


Its not taking it personal at all. Its calling you out and indicating that choices have consequences. You can sit here and blame Blizzard all you want but in the end its your fault.

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Imagine his face when he realises noone on the internet cares about his opinion at all rofl.

Please blizzard bring back the character cloning service for classic-era!

We want to play and we are willing to pay!

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You’re not getting them back.

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Are you implying that you are a blizzard representative, or are trying to speaking on their behalf? because Im pretty sure thats 100% bannable.

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I havent insinuated any of that. Going off of what Blizzard has actually said about it, you arent getting them back.

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We are getting them back.

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Oh I see rofl then see response #1

The setup slam dunk GOTTEM rofl

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The real gottem is that you’re not getting your clones back.


Are you insinuating you are a blizzard representative, or are speaking on their behalf? because Im pretty sure thats 100% bannable.

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You’re not getting them back.

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wow reported for employee impersonation then O_O

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Well, I want my Level 60 Priest back on VANILLA Classic (which isn’t exactly a “progessing server”, but I digress). Considering how vacant BB was (before HC took over), I miss my Enchanter, that I worked so hard on. Getting a group for Uldaman (especially as a non-HC) is impossible.



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Not blaming Blizzard just asking for clones.

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You may not be, but many of you are.

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We’re getting them back.


That’s what you assume.


I’m assuming the same thing as Owns, unfortunately. Like the other threads we’ve discussed about this, I knew these weren’t going to be a “forever” thing back in 2021, when BC Classic was announced.