Please bring back character cloning to classic-era.
That is all,
Please bring back character cloning to classic-era.
That is all,
Amen! Let’s hope so…
Another post from you on this?
Another Dottie character? Stay at the EU forums please.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I’ll carry on posting where I want to.
Sure thing. But whenever someone has stronger arguments, you are suddenly vanished. Poof! Guess you switch to the US and EU whenever things get hot.
I didn’t read your deleted post.
Yes and if you won’t do it generally, please do a Wrath Era server and make clones available again if you do “Classic Cata.”
Yes please
Blizzard bring the clones back yet?
Yes Blizzard please bring it back. I along with many came back to find our lvl 60 Vanilla characters moved to WoTLK and are not happy about it. we would like them moved back to Vanilla Classic