Bring back blacklisting, but also for players

I have met a lot of people in my years playing WoW. My ignore list is rarely used, there are very few instances I’d actually ignore someone. Even if they’re trolling or being rude, I don’t usually care.

However, I’d love an ignore system that STOPS me from ever having to play with people again. Let me blacklist Scrubnub the rogue, and if they are blacklisted I never can que in with them again. In any Que’d content. Ever.
No bg. No LFR. No Dungeon.

Let me blacklist entire accounts. I’d wait the extra time for ques without certain people. Not because they’re trolling or saying stupid things, but because I don’t want to be forced to pvp with people who don’t give a flying F.


I’m not sure how they could do that.

Me either, honestly.

I do know there is an addon you can get that you can label people with, and if they are in your group/raid/etc it’ll tell you?

But other than that I dunno what they could do.

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I know there used to be, but I don’t know if one exists today. I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t.

This isnt overwatch so idk how this would work