calm down boomer nobody cares about your dead BG 2s/5s
true and important
recanting your early 20s back on justintv?
your 2700 was a product produced solely by dread
doubt sincerely non bg9 battle groups individually had more players than legion so that hardly means literally anything
though wotlk was obviously a better game fundamentally it still had it’s flaws
like right now some 40 y/o 2’s boomer is shouting from the rooftops about how dread season matters
oh ya and all 8 of his alts are mogged into the wrathful tabard which is one of the best in the game but is still not the move when it matches 0 of the ugly 2k elite sets you have on otherwise
While I agree that there is not a sufficient reward for players that are significantly above 2400 level but below r1, I think the 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.1/2.4 reward structure, for those ratings, is good.
Would like to see something at 2.7 like a toy, perhaps similar to Flag of Ownership but perhaps a flag with the seasons colors that you can plant in corpses.
As far as 3k+ goes… that’s a hard one. Definitely could be an achievement at the least… but as you’ve seen in this expansion already, r1 can be 3k or almost 3400. That high of CR and what it means is completely dependent on a given seasons inflation.
Along with the additional rewards, I believe a good change for that top end CR range (let’s just say 2800 and above for an example) would be MMR freezing on a parked character. Not necessarily decay, but i don’t really understand the logic behind getting to 3100 at 3150 mmr on a character, not queueing it for 5 months and logging in and being like 3450 mmr. I don’t really see the logic in MMR inflation that also applies to parked characters that aren’t queueing the ladder… maybe it is healthy for the game I honestly don’t know enough about the mechanics of the ladder but seems a little too easily taken advantage of
And im going to be honest, being even top 5% in a competitive ladder seems like it should be rewarded. Not saying wow ladder is really competitive, just in general
Overall, as game designer, Blizzard should aim to improve game experience and drive engagement for the majority of the players vs. a niche cohort.
That is precisely why PvE players get a lot more attention than PvP. Because we are just a tiny minority of the game. Plus, I am willing to wage a bet that hardcore PvP players generate the least revenue for the game, so there really is no monetary incentive to make PvP-er happy.
Following the same logic, the old system is great for the super hardcore PvP-ers, who are really chasing the title and playing the zero-sum game of taking others’ MMR FULL TIME. For the majority of PvP players (already a tiny minority of WoW player base), we are just not incentivized to partake in that system at all because of the intangible goal. Who knows if you can be placed higher enough on the ladder to get the title?! If a season lasts a year, I’d have to push every week?! No, those days are gone and the player base are now moms and dads. If the goal is this elusive and unattainable, I am just going to give up trying.
On the contrary, the current system works great to incentivize your Average Joe type of PvP-er because the goal is concrete. Get to 2400, get the wins, get the title and mount. GG. Now back to real life. And you don’t have to push every week but you did end up playing aka contribute to Blizzard’s MAU count.
As someone who loves this game so much, I’d want the size of the pie bigger and more players to participate in PvP vs. just satisfying the elitist ego of a few ultra-hardcore gamers.
% based rewards would be good if the pvp playerbase wasn’t a fraction of a % of overall base, and also if people had time to devote to the game. As dude above said, we’re moms and dads now, we have jobs and if the time sink required for those achievements is greater than our available time, we’re just not even going to try.
That’s a Cop out made by players who never could do it and with the current system never will be able to because glad for the majority of old % glads has become a boring inevitability… a reason to play for a couple months at start of season and quit till next season/xpac.
Gladiator was never a massive timesink… play here/there to not be rusty and push at end of season.
I see far more Welfare glads 2000 games deep with a 50/50 win loss
A % base reward, imo would be better with a larger playerbase. But I guess then we’d run into the SL S1 thing of r1 cutoff being, iirc, 2950?
As for a faction of a %
Just did a quick Google, wow had 26m active subs end of Q2
Idk where else to look so quick check pvp has 45600 toons on the ladder, so that’s… what 0.018% of the playerbase?
Im pretty bad at math but still it seems like an infinitesimal number overall