Bring back Avenger Shield Holy Power

This makes no sense to give Prot bad armor as a tank unless it’s keeping a 4.5s buff , then make it very starved of holy power and tell it to never press AS outside of divine toll.

AS should generate holy power or SoTR should be a 6 second buff that drops consecration like BoJ for Ret.

Seriously the global bloat and lack of resources is bad.


Make AS great again


The way you use “it” reminds me of silence of the lambs. :joy:

I agree though HoPo back on AS. We already have high sotr uptime and HoPo on AS would largely fix the squishyness of prot. Additionally it would make our rotation more interesting since single and aoe would be different.

Lightsmith has the durability you’re looking for if the rotation wasn’t clunky and not fun to play but Blizz hates tankes this expansion.

I hadnt played prot since WoD and I played it straight from TBC to then,

And I just scratched my head why AS had its holy power removed one xpac it was… legion? BFA? SL?

And I never understood why SOTR moved to what it was, a buff to maintain just so you’re as tanky as other tanks are passively… what a stupid design.

Blood just taps marrow rend and they’re good.